Project Math Access DVD 01 - Primary Grade Levels - Part 12 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part twelve, estimation, activity number three. TEACHER: This time I'm going to give you a... They need to do their estimation first, with another marker color. Audio Description: The teacher puts three plates with candies on the table. TEACHER: Alright, these are green circle, sugar, yucky, sour things. ANGELICA: I love sour candy. TEACHER: I tried them and they're yucky. KATARINA: Me too, I like sour candy. TEACHER: They're too sour for me. Audio Description: The candies are about one and a half inches in diameter. TEACHER: See those, see the size of them. Feel the size of it. How many of those do think will fit on that shamrock? TEACHER: Everyone take... STUDENT: Four. TEACHER: Four is going to fill up that whole plate? STUDENT: No. TEACHER: Oh, boy. Put it on. Everybody put 1 on your shamrock. STUDENT: One.... TEACHER: One. Angelica, one. How many of these do you think you're going to need... EveIin... Do you think you're to need more than the cubes? Or less than the cubes? STUDENTS: Less. TEACHER: Less. You are right. Give me five....aIright. Audio Description: The teacher high-five's Tony. TEACHER: Everyone...I'm going to give you a pen, and I want you to write your number... ...with purple this time. A different color. You're going to write what number? How many you think are going to fit on your shamrock. (students say numbers) Audio Description: A teacher's assistant passes out purple markers. The students write their estimates on their sheet. TEACHER: In purple, write your number guess. How many groups of 10, and how many left over are you going to write? STUDENT: Sixty. TEACHER: When I see it in purple with a circle around it, I'll know you're ready. Audio Description: The students add circles around their estimates. STUDENT: Sixty-one! TEACHER: Okay, six groups of... not yet. You have to fill up your paper. Katarina's ready to learn. AngeIica's ready to learn. Tyshawn, are you ready to learn? You're going to put that down there... ...and put some on here. There's this new invention called "manners". You don't grab... don't scream. Take one at a time. Be poIite, kind to others... ...and you may fill you shamrock... with green circIes, candies, sours. Audio Description: The students take candies from the plate. TEACHER: You may want to put the white side up if you can't see it very well on that paper. If you've colored it green already. PuII... muscIes... puII. (students talk) Audio Description: The students continue to put candies on their shamrocks. TEACHER: How about some baggies? Put em on, cover up your shamrock. Uh oh, that one doesn't have a hole. Keep going. Audio Description: Most of the shamrocks are now half covered. KATARINA: Good job, Angelica. (students talk) Audio Description: The blind student's shamrock is about one-quarter covered. TEACHER: Keep going. Audio Description: Most of the shamrocks are now three-quarters covered. Angelica's shamrock is almost completely covered. TEACHER: I think you're almost ready! TEACHER: Katarina's shamrock is about one-half covered. TEACHER: All right! Alright, Tyshawn. What was your guess? The purple number down there. Fifty... TYSHAWN: Five... seven. TEACHER: Fifty-seven. You're going to count to see if you have 57.... more than 57, or less than 57. You guessed 25. Start counting. Audio Description: Tyshawn has candies stacked on top of each other. TEACHER: One... two... Audio Description: The students put their candies in cups as they count them. TEACHER: You counted 23. Two groups of 10, three left over. Write your number here. Sixteen is what? Sixteen looks like a... one, and a... ...six. Audio Description: The teacher helps Evelin write sixteen on her sheet. TEACHER: What's a 24 look like? Audio Description: She now helps Tyshawn. TEACHER: Two groups of 10... twenty. Your turn. Two groups of 10... four left over. Audio Description: Tyshawn writes twenty-four on his sheet. TEACHER: You may put your candy in a bag. And when you hear a bell ring, you may eat a candy, but not till a bell rings. Audio Description: The students put their candies in plastic bags. TEACHER: Ding, ding, ding. On your mark, set, go! Bell rang. You may eat one. (students talk) Audio Description: The students eat a candy. TEACHER: You need to write 13 on your paper, Katarina. Were your estimations too high or too low? STUDENTS: Too low. TEACHER: Most of them were too.... TEACHER: ...big, too high. (students talk) TEACHER: Tyshawn. Was your guess too high, too low, or just right. Did you guess too many or too little? TYSHAWN: Too many. TEACHER: Good. Excellent. Audio Description: The teacher kneels next to Evelin. TEACHER: How about you? You guessed what? EVELIN: Too high. TEACHER: Too high. You guessed 25. Were you close? EVELIN: Yes. Audio Description: The teacher turns to Tony. TEACHER: How many did you guess? TONY: Six... two. TEACHER: Were you too high or too low? TONY: Too low. TEACHER: You only had 14 in there. Was 62 too big or too little of a guess? TONY: Too big. TEACHER: Too big, you're right. TEACHER: And, Katarina. You guessed what? What number did you write? KATARINA: Twenty-six. TEACHER: Twenty-three, and how many are on there? TEACHER: Thirteen. Is this number bigger or smaller than 13? KATARINA: Too big. TEACHER: You're right. Audio Description: The teacher looks over Angelica's shoulder. TEACHER: Young lady, what did you guess? ANGELICA: A two... TEACHER: A twelve. ANGELICA: A one, and a... TEACHER: Two, equals 12. TEACHER: Is that how many were on there? ANGELICA: No. TEACHER: Is that how many were on there? ANGELICA: A two and a zero. TEACHER: And what is that number? What is that... two, zero? ANGELICA: Twenty-two. TEACHER: Twenty. TEACHER: Was your guess too little? Is this number smaller or bigger than 20? ANGELICA: Bigger. TEACHER: Do you want 12 candies, or 20 candies? ANGELICA: Uhmmmmm... TEACHER: Would you rather have 12 candies or 20 candies? ANGELICA: Twenty candies. TEACHER: So, your guess was too small.