Project Math Access DVD 01 - Primary Grade Levels - Part 05 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part five, place value, 100 days of school. TEACHER: We have to find out what day it is today. Is it Day 1? STUDENTS: Nooooooo. TEACHER: Is it Day 50? [Some say "No", some say "Yes"] TEACHER: Have we had a hundred days of school yet? [Most say "Yes"] TEACHER: Have we had a hundred days of school??? STUDENTS: Yesss! TEACHER: Okay, we're going to review... Audio Description: The teacher places a handmade booklet on the table. TEACHER: ...what we did on our hundred days. Everyday... Here's your number chart. Every day we wrote what day it was of the school day. What day did we make something? Audio Description: The booklet is entitled, "Our 10's Counting Book." TEACHER:On what number? STUDENT: 10! TEACHER: 10. This is our "10 Counting Book". And on every 10, we made a page for what book? Audio Description: The teacher opens the booklet to the first page. STUDENT: Our "Hundred Day" TEACHER: Yes, our "Hundred Day" All right. What was on our first page? STUDENTS: Frogs. 10 Froggies. TEACHER: 10 Frogs on a blue pond. Audio Description: The teacher turns to the next page. TEACHER: What did we do next? 20 fingers and toes. Audio Description: There are two hand prints and two feet drawn on the page. The teacher turns to the third page. TEACHER: Then we went to the pumpkin farm, so we made... 30 pumpkins in a... STUDENT: Row. TEACHER: Patch. Audio Description: The teacher turns to the fourth page. TEACHER: Oh, look at the kids. We went on a train trip. So, we made 40 kids on a train. Let's count those trains. ALL: 10, 20, 30, 40. Audio Description: The teacher turns to page five. TEACHER: Okay, what time was it when we had turkeys? [Students make turkey noises] TEACHER: Thanksgiving. 50 feathers on the turkeys. Audio Description: The teacher turns to the next page. TEACHER: 60 kernels of corn. We did a unit on corn. So how many kernels are on each corn cob? Katarina, how many did you have to put on each? KATARINA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9! TEACHER: (whispers) Try again. ... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 10 kernels on each. Audio Description: The teacher turns to page seven. TEACHER: How many ornaments, Angelica? TEACHER: 70 ornaments on the trees. How many ornaments did we put on each tree? Sets of what? ANGELICA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. TEACHER: 10 ornaments on each tree. Audio Description: The teacher turns the page. TEACHER: How many fish in the bowls? Tyshawn, what number? TYSHAWN: Ahhh... TEACHER: An 8 and a zero. TYSHAWN: 88. TEACHER: Eight-tee. And we put 80 fish, 10 fish in each bowl. Audio Description: The teacher turns to page nine. TEACHER: Valentines day, we put 10 candies in each heart. And we had a Hundred Day party. STUDENTS: Ya! TEACHER: What did we do for Hundred Day? STUDENT: Put candles on there. TEACHER: Put candles on what? STUDENTS: The cake. TEACHER: On our cake. How many candles did we put on each cake? STUDENTS: 10! TEACHER: Ding, ding, ding. Alright, so now, have we had a hundred days of school? STUDENTS: Yes! (students sing "yesses") TEACHER: All right.... manners. Audio Description: The teacher takes the booklet off the table. TEACHER: Now, we have had more than a hundred days of school. Audio Description: The teacher brings a tray with three cups. TEACHER: Scoot, over... All right! Audio Description: The cups contain bundles of small plastic straws. TEACHER: You need to scoot over down there. All right, I need everybody to body check. Body Check! Show me First Grade sitting position. Body check. Where do your hands go? All right. Let's listen. You're going to tell me how many days in our cups that we have today. Audio Description: The teacher slides the cups to the blind student. The student grabs the large bundle in the hundreds cup. STUDENT: There's a whole bunch of these. TEACHER: Ya, what is that? STUDENT: A hundred. TEACHER: How many hundred? How many bundles are in that hundred cup? Audio Description: The student grabs the bundle out of the hundreds cup. TEACHER: Feel it up. No, the whole thing together is one bundle. So how many bundles do we have? STUDENT: 1. TEACHER: One hundred. Okay, keep going. How many tens. Put the hundred back. Audio Description: The student accidentally puts the hundreds bundle in the tens cup. TEACHER: In the hundreds cup. (other students giggle) How many groups of 10? STUDENT: I don't know. TEACHER: How many bundles? STUDENT: One. TEACHER: Okay, and how many left over? Audio Description: There are five single straws in the ones cup. STUDENT: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. TEACHER: Okay, here's today. Audio Description: The teacher hands the student one straw. STUDENT: 106. TEACHER: A hundred and six... teen. TEACHER: What's a 116 look like? STUDENT: One, zero, six. TEACHER: Okay, let's go. One, ... One, ......six. All right, I'm passing it on to Tyshawn. A One, a one, and a six. Show me. Audio Description: There is a sheet of paper with 116 in large type. TYSHAWN: One, one, ... TEACHER: How do you make a 116? TYSHAWN: One, one, six. Audio Description: The teacher puts the tray in front of Evelin. TEACHER: Good boy. EVELIN: One, one, six. TEACHER: Good. How do you make 116? EVELIN: A one, a one, and a six. TEACHER: How many bundles of 10 do we have? STUDENT: Two! TEACHER: Find the 10's cup. EVELIN: One. TEACHER: One. Ding, ding, ding. Audio Description: The teacher puts the tray in front of Tony. TEACHER: All right, buddy. How many? One bundle of a hundred, one bundle of... Ten. And, how many? What are those? How many? TONY: 6 TEACHER: 6! 6 leftover. Good. Audio Description: The teacher puts the tray in front of Katarina. TEACHER: Tell me about this. KATARINA: 1, 1, 6. TEACHER: Okay, 1 what. 1 group of... KATARINA: Ten. TEACHER: No, one group of... KATARINA: One hundred. TEACHER: One bundle of... KATARINA: Ten. TEACHER: And six.... six ones. Six leftover. Audio Description: The teacher puts the tray in front of Angelica. TEACHER: Your turn. ANGELICA: One in the hundred bundle. TEACHER: Good, there's the one. TEACHER: One group of... ANGELICA: Ten. TEACHER: Good, put it in. And how many left over? ANGELICA: Six. TEACHER: Six. TEACHER: Okay, right now, what are we going to do? ANGELICA: We are going to make this... TEACHER: I want straight 1's on your paper". Braille it first, and then you may color it. STUDENT: A one, a zero, and a six. TEACHER: No, we have one group of ten. TEACHER: So that's a one, one, six. Audio Description: The teacher hands each student a sheet of paper with 116 on it in a large, outlined font. TEACHER: Your brailler's to the right. Grab it, and I want you to right 1 -1 - 6 on the bottom. Audio Description: A teacher's assistant puts two baskets of colored markers on the table. The students take colored markers from the basket. STUDENT: I got 116. That's what that number is... TEACHER: I need quiet working. I want you to write 116 five times. TEACHER: Can you do that? STUDENT: What? Audio Description: The low vision students use the markers to color the insides of the numbers. TEACHER: And then you may color. Are you ready? Number sign...number sign.,...six,,... number sign One, one, six. .... space... number sign. Space... Okay, now you can take it out and color. Straight line down for 1 - 1, 6 is down and around. STUDENT: I've got 4 of them. TEACHER: Okay, get 5. Audio Description: The students are using multiple colors to fill in the numbers. TEACHER: Do you want a markers? Everyone's using markers. One, one, six. Go. [students talking] Audio Description: Some students select new markers from the basket, and continue coloring in their numbers. Tyshawn has used yellow and green on his sheet. Evelin has used brown and green on her sheet. She grabs a third colored marker, black. TEACHER: Manners. We don't laugh when someone's chair falls. Start at the top, start at the left. Here we go. Down... down... start at the top. Down around the curve. And up. Sit like a lady. Audio Description: The numbers for the blind student were outlined with a glue gun. The blind student colors with a blue marker. TEACHER: When you've done 5 colors you need to turn your paper over and put your name on it. Audio Description: The blind student uses the edges created by the glue gun to color within the numbers. [students talking] TEACHER: Okay. That's one. Audio Description: The teacher brings in a set of number boards. Each board has ten rows with ten boxes in each row, for a total of one hundred boxes. There is a number board for each student. TEACHER: We need to add to our number board. Audio Description: The rows on the number board are separated by thick, blue lines. TEACHER: We started using a plain board for 1 through 100, but it started getting too... confusing for the children. So, we sliced it up to leave spaces, so it wasn't so... visually busy. So right now, we're continuing on with our phase of the week. Audio Description: The number boards are filled out from 101 to 115. TEACHER: Alright, what are we going to write on our number chart today? Number what? In front of you, what do you have? STUDENT: 116. TEACHER: Thank you, 116. TEACHER: What does 116 look like? STUDENT: One, one, six. Audio Description: The teacher hands each student their number board. TEACHER: One, one, six. The next box you need to write 1-1-6. Audio Description: Several students have written 116 in the correct square. TEACHER: Here's yours. Find the next spot and write it in. GIRL: The next one is 1-1-7. TEACHER: You smarty pants. GIRL: And then 1-1-10. BOY: No, it's not. TEACHER: Angelica. 1-1-6. Katarina, gorgeous. Tony, where are you? One, one, six. Perfect, leave it there. Audio Description: Angelica writes 116 in the correct square. [students talk and count out loud]