Project Math Access DVD 02 - Abacus- Part 09 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part nine; abacus secrets method; setting numbers and place value. TEACHER: We're going to start off today. We're going to be working on our abacus. I need both of you to turn your faces towards me, put your listening hears on, very nice. We're going to talk a little bit about abacus. What I want you to do is, the first thing we're going to do is review place value. I want you to take your right pointer finger and put your finger on the ones column. Okay, good Paras, good Joey. Put your finger on the tens column, alright, hundreds column, thousands column, okay. And what comes after that? We've haven't talked a lot about that. Do you know? STUDENT: Ten thousand. TEACHER: Ten thousand, you are right. We're going to do something really easy now, that's a review. We're going to practice setting some numbers. Runners take your mark. I want you to set 29, go. Audio Description: Paras and Joey set the number. TEACHER: Okay, good Joey, good Paras. Alright, clear. Audio Description: Each student clears his abacus. TEACHER: Set 46. Okay, clear, I want you to set 41 for me. Oh, this is so easy for you two. Alright, I'm going to give you some that are a little bit harder, that have some zeros in some of the columns. Before we continue I want to review one thing. I want you to take your right pointer finger and put it on 5, where's mister 5? Mister 50? 500? And 5,000? That's a review too. I'm going to give you 3 more numbers and then we're going to practice setting some really hard numbers, 401, 401, how do you set that? Excellent Joey, excellent Paras, oh, take a look there, what do you have? Try again, 401. Okay, clear, 290, 290. Okay, this next one, what you're going to do is you're going to set the number and then pass it to your partner and see if you got it right. The next number we're going to set is tricky, 1,542. Audio Description: Joey finishes and starts to pass his abacus. TEACHER: Paras is over on your right Joey. This is mine. Pass it to your left, Paras. Okay, check and see if you're partner got it right. STUDENT: You got 1,542. TEACHER: 1, 542, what number is in the thousands column, Paras? PARAS: 1 TEACHER: Good, what number's in the ones column, Joey? In the ones column, Joey? JOEY: 2 TEACHER: The 2, what number's in the hundreds column, Paras? PARAS: The 4 TEACHER: Look again, 1,542. PARAS: 500 TEACHER: 500, good, okay, clear. I want you to pick a number, Joe, and set it and pass; we're going to check them. JOEY: 9,600 TEACHER: Whoa, that's a high number, 9,600. Okay, let's pass and see if your partner got it right. JOEY: You got 8... TEACHER: Talk like a boy, please. JOEY: 9,600 TEACHER: 9,600, did your partner get it right? JOEY: Yes TEACHER: Paras, see if you can stump us. Give us a hard number to set. We need a challenge. PARAS: 9,591 Audio Description: The teacher set her abacus and then checks Joey's abacus. Joey finishes and passes his abacus. TEACHER: 9,591, let's have Paras check it, Audio Description: Paras finishes and passes his abacus. TEACHER: 9,591. Audio Description: The teacher looks over Joey's shoulder. JOEY: You've got 9,591. TEACHER: Did he get it correct? JOEY: That is... TEACHER: correct, clear JOEY: great! TEACHER: Did you hear that, Paras? Joey said that's great. When we have the number 1,542, we need to put in a comma. Where does the comma go, Joey, the math comma? JOEY: 1 comma TEACHER: 1 comma 5 4 2, Paras, what is the single dot for a math comma? PARAS: 2 TEACHER: Nope, oh, think real hard. JOEY: 6 TEACHER: Is your name Paras? JOEY: no PARAS: dot 6 TEACHER: Oh, I think you had a little help from your friend there.