Project Math Access DVD 02 - Abacus- Part 06 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part five; basic computation: braillewriter, abacus and calculator; example two. TEACHER: Okay, are you ready? ALI: Yep TEACHER: Okay, I'm going to have you go down one line on your Braillewriter and we're going to go on to the next problem. Okay, I'm going to start it in the same way. Let's review the sequence, okay? We're going to set it on our place value board and I'm actually going to give you the one that just has to hundreds on it. Audio Description: The teacher puts a new insert in the tray. TEACHER: So you have 3 slots, okay? See the difference? The other one went up to what? ALI: Thousands TEACHER: The other one went up to thousands. We're just going to work up to hundreds now, okay? As a review, we're going to set it on the board, make sure we write down what we're doing so we don't forget, and lose track and get careless, okay? And we're going to go on to some much harder numbers now, okay? Alright, here we go. ALI: One-hundred ninety-four TEACHER: Oh, we'll see, smarty pants, won't we? I'm going to give you MANY cubes this time, okay? Audio Description: The teacher puts cubes in the tray with the three slots. TEACHER: And what I would like you to do is set three-hundred forty-four for me please. Three-hundred forty-four ALI: Put 3 cubes (beeping sound) in the hundreds... TEACHER: Whoops, uhuh ALI: Turn it off. TEACHER: Turn it off. That's a good idea. ALI: So it doesn't run out of batteries. TEACHER: That's the on. There's the off. There you go. ALI: Put 3 cubes in the hundreds. TEACHER: Okay ALI: for the number 300 Audio Description: Ali puts three cubes in the hundreds slot. TEACHER: Aha ALI: Then put 4 cubes in the tens Audio Description: Ali actually puts seven cubes in the tens slot. ALI: 4 cubes in the tens for 40 TEACHER: umhum Audio Description: Ali puts more cubes in the tens slot, and pushes some towards the top. TEACHER: Do you have more than 4 in your tens? ALI: Yep TEACHER: Yeah, you have a party in your tens here; let's take care of this, okay? You've got too many. Audio Description: Ali checks the cubes, but doesn't move any out of the tens slot. ALI: 3... whoa, this is confusing TEACHER: Okay, we've got the 300; your hundreds are good. Your tens are in the middle. Let's clear those out, too many people. Audio Description: Ali grabs a couple of cubes and puts them away. TEACHER: There it is. ALI: Let's clean all of these out. TEACHER: Let's clean out the people we didn't invite, okay. ALI: They just invited themselves. TEACHER: They did. But now you have no one. How many do you need there? ALI: Oh no. TEACHER: (laughs) Audio Description: She grabs four cubes and places them in the tens slot. TEACHER: You're making the work hard on yourself. ALI: 41 TEACHER: three-hundred forty... four, actually is the number we're looking for. Audio Description: Ali grabs cubes from the bin. TEACHER: Okay, we got it? Now you do have one uninvited person up here. Can you please send him home? Thank you. Okay, now three-hundred forty-four. If that were money, like dollars and cents, how would you say it? ALI: 3 dollars and 44 cents TEACHER: You are so loud today. I'm proud of you. Nice loud voice. What two hundreds is that between? Three-hundred forty-four ALI: 300 and 400 TEACHER: Okay, good. Three-hundred forty-four, that forty-four is between what two tens? ALI: 40 and 50 TEACHER: Okay, what would it round to, to the nearest ten? ALI: 340 TEACHER: 340, but you've got secret how many this time? ALI: 4 TEACHER: Yeah, take those secret 4 and push them up so we don't forget, okay. Audio Description: She pushes the cubes to the top of the slot. TEACHER: Alright, let's write this down. Let's write this in our braillewriter. Let's write our number down so we don't forget it. ALI: [sound of Braillewriter] dollar sign, number sign 3 point 4, 0, 4, 4 TEACHER: 4, 4, right. TEACHER: Okay, this time I'm going to make it a little harder, okay? Your total Maam, comes to 3.44 And you hand the cashier a 5 dollar bill. That's all you have, you don't have any other money. So hand me your 5 dollars, please. ALI: 1, 2, 3,4, 5 TEACHER: Okay, and write it down so you don't forget it, how much money. Because you want to know how much money you're going to get back from the cashier. You don't want to get short changed. TEACHER: How much money did you just give me, the cashier? ALI: 5 TEACHER: Write that down so you don't forget. ALI: Do I need a dollar sign? TEACHER: You wrote the dollar sign on your other number so that's okay. You know we're talking about dollars. ALI: [sound of braillewriter] 5 point 0, 0 TEACHER: Okay. Now this is where our estimating and our counting up is going to come in handy, okay. We said 344 rounded to the nearest ten was what? ALI: 340 TEACHER: Okay. We need to count up not to 4, but to what? ALI: 5 TEACHER: Okay. 340 to 4, now that I've done all this talking you've probably got that figured out. ALI: 60 TEACHER: Okay, but you forgot your secret 4, subtract that secret 4. ALI: 56 TEACHER: Okay, but we only counted up to 4; we need to go up to 5. So go up from 4 to 5, one more dollar. TEACHER: Whoa, tricky, huh? Add a dollar to your 56 cents. ALI: 66 TEACHER: No, a dollar, you added a dime. ALI: I don't know. TEACHER: Okay, well we'll work through it, okay? We counted up from 344 to 4, which was 56 cents. Now, just erase that out of your mind and think about this in a different way. We're going to erase that, okay. How much, if we count up from 4 dollars to 5 dollars, how much should we count up? ALI: We'd count up a hundred. TEACHER: or... ALI: 4 to 5 TEACHER: or what's that called? ALI: a dollar TEACHER: A dollar, so we've got the dollar. Okay, now go back, plus the 56 cents. So it would be a dollar... ALI: 56 cents TEACHER: That was a little harder; I think I got you on that one. Alright, let's write it on our braillewriter, and this time I'm going to help you write it how print people write it. Ohhh, and then we're going to check it on the abacus and the calculator. ALI: Do I return twice? TEACHER: Yes. Return twice and we're going to start on a fresh line. Okay and we're going to leave a couple spaces in between, so we don't get confused. Now, do print people write it, most of the time print people write it going which way? ALI: up and down TEACHER: up and down, okay. Go ahead and do your dollar sign. ALI: [sound of braillewriter] dot 4, s TEACHER: Now I noticed that you're putting a number sign in there. You don't have to do that because we know we're talking about dollars in Nemeth, okay? ALI: Okay. TEACHER: So, how much did you give me? How much did you give the cashier? ALI: 5 TEACHER: Okay, so you're going to do your dropped 5... and what? ALI: point TEACHER: umhum ALI: 0, 0 TEACHER: Okay, now, this is where it gets tricky, okay. Are you ready? ALI: Yeah TEACHER: Alright, we're going to go down to the next line and bring your cursor all the way back. Oh, don't yawn, no yawning. Okay, now, what are we doing in this problem? Are we subtracting or adding? ALI: subtracting TEACHER: subtracting, okay, good. We need to write a minus sign and we need the 3 of the next number to line up right underneath the 5. So what you're going to do is you're going to find that 5 with your left hand and move your cursor using your right hand until it's right underneath the 5. Is it lined up? ALI: Now it is. TEACHER: Let me see. It looks like it's lined up. It's actually under the decimal point right now so you're going to back up one. Back up one more time. Whoop, back up. Okay, now let's write the number we have set up on our tray. What's our number set on the tray? Audio Description: Ali checks the number on the tray. ALI: 3,... 4, 4 TEACHER: Okay, let's write that down. No, all you need to do is just do the 3 at this point, okay. So drop your 3, and your decimal point TEACHER: and then what? ALI: 4, 4 TEACHER: Okay. Now, the last part of the tricky part, of lining it up vertically. We need to go down one more time, bring our cursor all the way back home, and do a line of 3-6s, okay? Oh my goodness, I know. (sound of braillewriter) Okay, that's good. We're going into the next problem there. Okay, so when print people write it, we don't do it like this very often, but this is just so you know, okay? When print people write it, they write it going up and down. ALI: It's actually too much of the line. TEACHER: We got a little carried away with the line. So what do you think? Is it easier to write it going up and down or left and right? ALI: left and right TEACHER: Yeah, I think so too. Okay, let's now, hopefully we didn't lose track of the problem that we're doing on the abacus. We've got it written going vertically. What is the problem we're going to check on our abacus? ALI: 5 dollars minus 344 TEACHER: Okay, and how would you say that without dollars? ALI: 500 minus 344 TEACHER: Alright, let's check that. This is going to be a hard one too. You might need some assistance with this one. On the abacus first, lady. You need to clear your number first. Alright, let's go to work. You got that abacus brain on? ALI: Yep TEACHER: Okay, let's try it. ALI: 3 dollars TEACHER: Whoops, what's the problem? Ohhh. Audio Description: Ali refers back to the problem in the braillewriter. ALI: 5 dollars TEACHER: Okay, or... okay, minus what? ALI: minus three-hundred forty-four, 344 TEACHER: Okay, let's take a look here. I want to hear that chatty Barbie, okay? ALI: Yeah TEACHER: Alright, let's hear it. ALI: minus 300, don't have 300, so we add... TEACHER: You're subtracting. ALI: I mean subtract 500. TEACHER: Umhum, you're on the right track. ALI: Then, add 200. TEACHER: Alright, excellent. ALI: Then we need to subtract... 44. ALI: Then we need to subtract 44. Don't have 40, so add... TEACHER: Ah, we're subtracting. ALI: Oh my gosh (inaudible) Subtract the ten. TEACHER: That's not a ten. What is that called? What column is it in? ALI: the tens TEACHER: No it's not, look carefully. ALI: the hundreds? TEACHER: It's in the hundreds. Right, and we want to subtract 40, but do we have any 40s to subtract? 50's not available either, 50's on a phone call. So we need to go to hundreds, okay? So, talk your way through it. I helped you with that part, so subtract that hundred. But we only wanted to subtract 40 so now what do we add in our tens column? ALI: 60 TEACHER: Excellent, okay, and what do we want to subtract again from our ones column? Audio Description: Ali, again, refers to the problem in the braillewriter. ALI: 4 TEACHER: Alright. ALI: We have to subtract a ten, because we don't have 4, and add 6. TEACHER: Alright. Okay, what'd you get? Audio Description: Ali reads the answer from the abacus. TEACHER: No, right here. ALI: 1 dollar and 56 cents TEACHER: Is that what we got before? ALI: Yeah TEACHER: Alright smarty pants, let's check it on the calculator over to your left. And then I will show you how to line it up vertically, okay? Audio Description: Ali turns the calculator on, and refers to the problem in the braillewriter. ALI: Yeah. It's good we have the paper here. TEACHER: Good thing we have it written down here, you're right. ALI: 5 dollars CALCULATOR: 5 point 0, 0 minus ALI: minus 3 dollars and 44 cents CALUCLATOR: 3 point 4, 4; equals 1 point 5, 6 ALI: I got it right. TEACHER: Oh, you got it right. Okay, I'm going to save the 5 for after we line it up, because that's going to be the hard part, okay? We're on the next line. What I need you to do is take the cursor and send it home, okay. You need to line your cursor up; you're going to have to use both hands. You use your left hand to find your dollars column, which is the 5 and the 3 and your right hand needs to move that cursor over to the right until it's lined up directly underneath it. Use your cursor... there you go. Ahhhh, we passed it. You passed it. ALI: right here? TEACHER: Space over one more to the right. Okay, so, and this is where we write our answer. Our answer was 156, so we're going to write the 1, our decimal point, our 5 and our 6. And you're lined up perfectly now. ALI: I made the line too long. TEACHER: That's alright. Don't forget your decimal point, okay? ALI: dollar sign? TEACHER: No, just do 1... ALI: No number sign, right? TEACHER: Go ahead and write it because we know we're in the problem, umhum. ALI: 1, decimal point... ALI: 5, 6 TEACHER: Alright.