Project Math Access DVD 03 - Graphing - Part 05 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part five; Graph-It; example two; slope of a line. TEACHER: Okay, we're going to try another equation. Let's get everything turned on again. Start with the Braille Lite. Then we want to turn on the Braille Blazer. It's a rocker switch, on-off, on the right side, in the back of the machine. BRANDON: Yeah, didn't we explain that last time? TEACHER: It never hurts to re-explain it. BLAZER: (start-up sounds) TEACHER: Okay. You want to get into your Graph-It program? BRANDON: Yes. TEACHER: Okay. You want an O chord first. You want to go over the steps real quick? That was an O chord, and... BRANDON: Yeah, sorry. I did that too quickly for you to hear it, but... Here we go. We did an O chord followed by an F, followed by a dots 4, 5, 6 chord, because that happens to be at the end of our particular file... list. TEACHER: Okay, great. So you're in your program and you're looking for your first entry. So, you need an E chord. Okay, great. And the equation we are going to do is y=2x+5. BRANDON: Now remember, all numbers must be entered in Nemeth Code. TEACHER: Or, computer code. They're pretty similar but you want your equals sign in computer code BRANDON: And that's dots 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6. TEACHER: Right. TEACHER: And no spaces. BRANDON: Right. TEACHER: So we have that entered. Did you type an E chord? BRANDON: We shall do that now. TEACHER: Okay. TEACHER: Alright, and to emboss? BRANDON: P chord. BLAZER: (buzzing sound) Audio Description: The graph is about one-third completed, and consists of a straight line that begins in quadrant I, runs through quadrant II and end in quadrant III. The graph is about two-thirds complete. BRANDON: This one seems to be taking a little longer than the last one. TEACHER: Okay, I'll go ahead and take the paper out. Okay, now, you remember the equation was y=2x+5. So what would your slope be? BRANDON: The slope would be 2. TEACHER: Right. And your Y intercept was? BRANDON: Five. TEACHER: Okay, so you want to check out TEACHER: your graph and make sure it's right. Look for your Y intercept down there. So you go to the origin, and up 5, BRANDON: Origin, origin, origin.... TEACHER: It's right here. TEACHER: It's where the two axes meet. BRANDON: Right here. TEACHER: Right. Audio Description: The teacher moves Brandon's hands to the origin. TEACHER: Okay, you want to get enough sleep at night. BRANDON: (laughs) No yawning. TEACHER: Okay (laughing). From the origin you want to count up 5 since your Y intercept is positive 5. And there's some hash marks there... TEACHER: Can you feel those? BRANDON: Yes. 4, 5,... TEACHER: Okay, is that where the line crosses? BRANDON: Yeah. TEACHER: So you're at your Y intercept, so if you were to go up 2 and over 1, which is your slope which is 2 over 1 so you're going up 2 and over 1. TEACHER: Is it there? BRANDON: Yeah. TEACHER: Good. So you can feel your line. It starts out in the first quadrant up at the right, and goes down to the left and crosses the X axis and crosses... well it crosses the Y axis first and then the X axis. It's a diagonal line. Okay? Good job!