Project Math Access DVD 01 - Primary Grade Levels - Part 08 Transcript Start Audio Description: Part eight, counting, activity number three. TEACHER: Black markers. Audio Description: Katarina and Angelica pass out black markers. TEACHER: Alright. I want you to put the answer next to the "=" sign. I'm going to pass out,...ummm... Audio Description: The teacher is handing out problems on yellow circles. TEACHER: You're going to have longer problems, three numbers. Read that to me. KATARINA: 1, 2, 3,4, 5. I did it! Audio Description: Angelica puts three on the circle with two plus two. TEACHER: Okay, I need Evelin sitting on her bottom. ANGELICA: 2 + 2 equals 3... TEACHER: I'm going to give each of you a pile. Audio Description: The teacher is handing out several circles to each student. TEACHER: Keep your pile. I need you to have a "finish" pile,... ...and a "to do" pile. A "to do" pile, and a "finished" pile. STUDENT: This is a coin. TEACHER: You're right. I'll show you how to put it in. TEACHER: Can you read that to me? STUDENT: What coin is it? TEACHER: It's just a circle. It's a gold coin, what coin would you like it to be? STUDENT: A half-dollar. TEACHER: Okay, one half-dollar coming up. TEACHER: Read to me. Audio Description: The blind student reads the braille equation off the paper coins. STUDENT: It's seven. TEACHER: Can you read the problem sentence? STUDENT: 4 + 2 +1 = 7. TEACHER: Write number sign, 7. STUDENT: Where? TEACHER: Right there at the bottom. Audio Description: The paper coin is in the braille writer. TEACHER: You don't have to worry about putting it in, just put it at the bottom. Okay, put it in your "finshed" pile on your left side. There's your "to do" pile. Audio Description: The blind student has a new coin with the problem, three plus 2 plus one, on it. TEACHER: Read to me. (students talking, counting) 3 + 2 +1... STUDENT: I don't know. TEACHER: Should I get some counters? TEACHER: 3 + 2. STUDENT: Five. TEACHER: Plus one. STUDENT: Six. TEACHER: Got it. TEACHER: Put it in. TEACHER: Open... close... put it in. STUDENT: Is this a nine? TEACHER: No, circle, straight line down. Audio Description: The next segment has the students sitting in front of a chalkboard. On the chalkboard there are laminated, black paper kettles. The kettles are numbered four, five, six, seven, eight and nine. TEACHER: I have some black pots on this board and that's were we are going to put our gold coins from the leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day. Audio Description: The blind student is standing in front of the number four kettle. TEACHER: If your answer ends in a 4, you're going to put it on this pot. If your answer ends with a.... Audio Description: The student will move to each numbered kettle. STUDENT: Five. TEACHER: You're gonna put it on that pot. TEACHER: If your coin ends with the answer of... STUDENT: Six. TEACHER: You're gonna put it where? TEACHER: Find it. Okay, you did okay. Keep going. STUDENT: Seven. TEACHER: You sure? STUDENT: Yes! TEACHER: Next one. STUDENT: Eight. TEACHER: Okay, what's the last one? TEACHER: What did you get? STUDENT: Nine. TEACHER: We have a chair. We're going to do one at a time. Whatever you answer is you are going to come to the board and put it on the right pot. Audio Description: Angelica is looking for the number four kettle, which corresponds to problem on her paper circle. TEACHER: Tyshawn, what does your math sentence say? TYSHAWN: (inaudible) Audio Description: She walks down to the number nine kettle and then walks down to the number four kettle. TEACHER: Good. Audio Description: She walks back to number nine, and then back to number four. She places the circle on the number four kettle. TEACHER: Where's the four pot, Tyshawn. You need a piece of tape. Where are you going to put that one? Audio Description: It is now Tyshawn's turn. He is looking for the number six kettle. He finds it, and places the circle on it. TEACHER: You got it. Have a seat. Katarina, show me the one that has the most coins. Audio Description: Katarina stands up and points to the number eight kettle. TEACHER: Has the most coins on it? Look to your right there, girl. Audio Description: The number nine kettle is actually the most full. TEACHER: There! Which one has the least amount of coins. Audio Description: She correctly identifies kettle number seven. TEACHER: You got it. Have a seat.