TRANSCRIPT - Untangling the Web of Online Resources Ð 08/08/22 >>Kate Borg: hi everybody so just a little bit of an introduction before I turn it over to chrissy who's going to get us started. So, as we were thinking about what do we want to do is everybody starting to come back I think most folks will really be back into the swing of it about next week. I know there's some districts that don't start till after Labor day lucky them, and so we were talking about you know what do we, what do we want to talk about this first session. And you know there's been some big changes this summer in terms of the tsp VI website if you've had a chance to go you'll see that it's very different. And so we wanted a chance to highlight that because there's so much good stuff on there that we want to make sure you know how to find everything from just how to register for events like coffee hour. And how to access our webinars and online learning and all of those resources another thing that we really wanted to have a chance to highlight. The chrissy is going to talk more about in just a moment are some fantastic new teacher resources. >>Kaycee Bennett: And this will be something that you can share with your team, and you know, on Facebook or wherever share this out because this is going to be really good information can you know turn it over to Christine so that she can introduce herself and she's going to start us off. >>Kate Borg: Okay, thank you okay >>Chrissy Cowan: and be sure, and give me my time notification when it's your turn Okay, I am chrissy cow and that's K and Casey said I my role at tsp bi and the outreach department is not a mentor coordinator. So the mentor program in Texas has been in operation for about 25 years now, and so my job is to match experienced teachers mentors with new VI professionals both oh NM and TVIs, so to that end, one of the things I realized people would be helped by the those mentor new teacher teams, would be a listing of resources that that they could put their hands on pretty quickly, so I developed a live binder. And I don't know if you are familiar with the whole live binder. Software process, you can actually you can actually create your own live binders for free, we have a corporate account, so we have a little bit. More sophistication and what we can do with a live binder but generally alive binder has tabs like a notebook think of it as a notebook and you can color code those tabs or do whatever you want with it. And I go wild with colors so you're going to see that so in a minute we'll get into the light binder. But basically, there are tabs which are you know, going to be made your major topics than there are sub tabs which are going to go under that topic it's like an outline, and then there are based tabs so. This live binder has been out there for quite a few years it's it's a link at the bottom of my signature on all my email and. So, so when you when you get into it, it is a it was designed to be the year at a glance so in August, you do these things, in September, you do these things, etc. So the live binder as it was created, was done month by month is still done month by month. The problem I realized with that is that there's so much information and you may not know where to find say eligibility criteria for students with a visual impairment, you may not know that you need to go into October, for example, to find that information or September or whatever month. So what I did this summer is I created kind of a stand alone table table of contents that said anytime you go into a live binder there is a table of contents. And it's it's easy to access there too, but i'm going to believe this is a handout for you i'm going to share my screen and bring over this table of contents, that is, the new professional can y'all see that everybody see that. >>Kate Borg: yeah see we got it >>Chrissy Cowan: Okay, so this is actually the structure of the live binder so i'm going to be clicking these links, when you when you download this one document so it's a word document. When you download this document and you go to any one of these links it's going to pop you directly into live binder so i'm going to. Go to the readme first and I need to move this back over okay i'm in the live binder now Can you see that. >>Kate Borg: Yes. >>Chrissy Cowan: Okay, so i'm here at this tab so here's what I was talking about you've got these tabs and for the Read me first, this is just an intro to this live binder and it's basically telling you it's organized by months and etc, so when I go into i'm going to go into August. So there's the first there's the first month so that's what i'm talking about here's the tab August and then under that tab there are and so. For August, for each month, I have to do list now if you've been an itinerant for more than a second. You know that things don't just happen in a nice little August I did this in August I do this in September, etc, etc, sometimes it all comes rushing to you very, very quickly, so, but that said each month has some things you're going to need to pay attention to for that month. You know the the fall semester is extremely busy but there's some things that come up at the end of the year that you need to pay attention to and also let me say a little disclaimer this was developed for TV eyes and autumn specialist in Texas. However, I think, those of you who who are logging in from other states are certainly going to find a lot of information here that that you can use so in August. You know I have saying that you need to to set up student information packets that's just one of the things that I did as a as an itinerant teacher that helped me organize what I was going to you know, for what I was going to do with each student information I was going to share so information to the classroom teachers on telescope use. Information on the itinerant role, people would ask me what do you do so, I just wrote something up you have probably written something up. And then i'm going to skip down here to classroom accommodations This is something I would give to teachers about general accommodations for the student with a visual impairment. You know how they're going to read the blackboard how they're going to access video overhead kind of stuff what kind of illumination to us, etc Also, in August I want you to look at schedules, the the new teacher is going to need to know how to set up a schedule at the beginning of the year and that's a very difficult task because you've got all these kids And you have to you're going to have to schedule them in like Where are you going to go Monday Where are you going to go Tuesday some students or one time, a month some students are dialing etc, so this was written By me a long time ago i'm updated periodically on just how you lay out your schedule so here's a print version of it but there's also a video That you can go to that has me explaining and showing you just a little way that you can set up a schedule, so what you see, there is a Manila folder opened up and i've got students names and they're color coded And so, if you if you watch this video it tells you how to set up your schedule So Another thing I wanted to show you I wanted to go into September so in a lot binder I can put PDF files A PDF documents, so this right here is a PDF that i've added to it. I could also do a word document, but it would have a little word icon and you would have to click on it, and then it would go to the document and then you had to download it, so I just am saving you a step with these pdfs so in September. there's a pH. American printing house for the blind and then under here there's a pH quick tips, which is a cute little video that a pH does and there. there's ordering information so in Texas, this is going to take you right to our website for the American printing house and then from here, you can go anywhere and that's that's. in regards to a pH on our website so that's the beauty I think of alive Finder is that it's just a gateway into these kinds of. Resources for you, so another thing, I just wanted to show you was. When we get into. let's see instilling it's still in September statewide calendar of conferences and events. This is kate's going to go over this in a minute, but it's where we are going to be putting on the tsp VI website where we are going to be putting our conferences webinars all of the kind of events that we're going to be having. Then I you know I just have things that might come up at the beginning of the year ESC consultants, this is going to take you to. see if this is going to work in Texas. Each one of you that works in Texas belongs to a service Center there is a service Center organized for you and each of those service Center has bi. personnel, that you should definitely definitely get to know, because they're a source of resources for you and training and teacher meetings, etc. there's also I put it in here. Information on how to set up a Braille production. unit in your district, this is actually done by Leander ISP they have a very sophisticated Braille production and they have taken the time to describe what that looks like to people it's wonderful i'm in October. we're getting into. Setting up statewide assessments for students, and when you go here you're going to go to the tsp VI website and has all kinds of information. And what i've put is what specific to the student with a visual impairment here there's information on large print accommodation, how to administer the Braille star. Then there's extra time for accommodation according to Texas education agency. In in October, I also have. A RD paperwork in Texas, we call it an ar D meeting the rest of the world calls that an IEP meeting one of the things I wanted to show you was, I have a link to eligibility and I know let's see. VI eligibility in Texas. I know that the new, even though you're brand new. You are expected to conduct functional vision evaluations and learning media assessments and determine who's eligible for your Program. Which is a very frightening thing indeed In fact I think that's the number one thing that the new teachers tell me they they struggle with. So you have to know what the state laws are on who's eligible for VI services this This document was created by the sensory Texas sensory support network, and it has every. bit of information, you might need on on who's eligible for va services and O and m services in the State of Texas um how much time do I have left three minutes >>Kate Borg: yeah you're good >>Chrissy Cowan: Okay Okay five minutes. I have here, you know some other people, you know, in the VI field that have been around for a while. have written things to kind of make the process easier for you, so this is the referral process for students with a suspected visual impairment in Texas, this would be a document. This document came out of region, the people at region tan and it kind of it's a document intended for you to to. to know yourself what the referral process is but to give to other people in your team, so those diagnosticians the nurses teachers etc administrators who are going to be referring cans, for your program this is this steps it out this tells you here's how you do it folks and so. that's a nice thing to have. there's a. what's this the performance evaluation, you are going to be. Your district is going to evaluate you and in Texas, we use some districts use what's called the T test and said, there was a committee that. kind of wrote a companion for administrators to read to help them more appropriately do a performance evaluation of their individuals who work with kids with visual impairments so that's there for you, but see in November. In November, I launched into the expanded core curriculum and then there's some reason up Oh, this is going to take this isn't going to work is it. The the wreck oh it's still it's still there. But this is going to go away, I think right >>Kate Borg: i'm not so much go away and be completely revamped >>Chrissy Cowan: Okay, be completely revamp right now it's there, and so, if you're looking for the problem with this is it's been around for quite a while and. Some of these links that you're going to go to don't work, but this is, this is an amazing resource and it will continue to be amazing for different areas of expansion core curriculum so that's there for you. let's see in I wanted to go into January and show you. There is a well you're going to be getting the big registration in January and the people that get this email from Brian. So back in Austin without REACH, are going to be directed to you know information on how to fill in the vr registration, but here's every here's a lot of great information online for you. can't get it over there. When you're also in January you're going to be preparing for your spring IEP meetings and there is a q&a here on writing. that's not working, measurable IEP goals, so I need to get into that and see what's know there it is there, it is there, it is so this document, right here is a Q amp a document that. is just an amazing document, each one of these is going to take you to the answer, but it helps you know how to write a goal know how to write a statement you know what is the law say about them, you know federal laws and state laws so that's that's in there. And then the Texas step line child count information is going to be in here as well, it will take you to the information on the tsp bi website about that um let's see. In February in Texas, the tsp VI summer programs are going to start rolling out and the deadline for application is always February 15 I believe for 14th or 15th so the. yeah closes the 14th each year, so so that's why I put this you know, and I think i'll put it in yeah put it in February just know heads up that something if you want one of your students to come to one of the summer programs, you have to get the application in. The visit and own em visits are in there that's a whole workshop in itself, and then I, and then the rest of the month, I did put a folder in here that's own em. And so, Chris tab helped me with this and it has a month by month opening checklist which is lovely and then there are resources that Chris recommended to me white cane care and maintenance. PE teacher information sided guide techniques bus driver handout so you know these are all PDF files and they're just they're just lovely. there's an IEP checklist for own him and there's an IMP statement for ODM etc so and then more O and m resources when you click on this link you'll you'll go into. Probably you're going into the owner yeah you're going into the omm page on the tsp VI website which oh my gosh it's just rich with resources. The last the last tab I have is supporting students in science, and this is something that one of the science teachers Laura hospital at tsp bi. asked me to add, and I was delighted to do it, so this is just a one pager that has that helps you prepare for different areas of science for a student with a visual impairment and, as you know, we're going to learn science is a very. It requires a lot of annotations and modifications. Because it's such a visual kind of thing, so this listing right here in itself has some wonderful resources for you. And that's that's it. If you do have any questions i'm going to stop sharing >>Kate Borg: I Christina only question I had come in the chat so far was can we use all of the document you were sharing and I said yes >>Chrissy Cowan: Oh absolutely absolutely yeah yeah I never put anything out there, that I don't want to share and I always i'm willing to share whatever I have yeah >>Kate Borg: awesome Thank you christy you know I I joke often maybe half joke that I absolutely would have fired first year teacher, Kate >>Kaycee Bennett: And I will tell you, though, the first year teacher katie had access to that would have been a very different year and probably very different first three years that's just so great >>Kate Borg: Thank you for sharing that >>Chrissy Cowan: Chris okay you're welcome >>Kate Borg: i'm so when dylan Jones asks are we able to print documents as needed >>Chrissy Cowan: Oh yeah yeah it's a lot binders made such that. You can let's see you can go into it, let me share my screen again. Okay. Are you seeing. What are you seeing >>Kate Borg: we're seeing >>Chrissy Cowan: Out there and so okay. yeah so so let's say i'm in August, and I have put. scheduling I talked about the scheduling tips, so you, you see up here. up at the top banner there's you can say lips there's a save icon and there's a print icon so it works, just like it works, just like your computer, so I hit the print icon and it connected me right to just go to my printer here. And it'll it'll it'll print that cool >>Kate Borg: awesome >>Chrissy Cowan: Okay, let me stop the share. All right >>Kate Borg: Thank you chrissy Thank you so much for sharing that >>Kaycee Bennett: um okay alright so i'm going to take just a few minutes and highlight some things on our new website, I want to make sure that you all know, again, where to find events and our professional development >>Kate Borg: In the handouts you'll see I kind of made a I guess like a site map, if you will just a bulleted list of >>Kaycee Bennett: The different areas of the website and what you'll find in there we're not going to go over everything, because this could be a whole afternoon and i'm sure this is >>Kate Borg: riveting riveting topic that everybody would love to spend the whole afternoon on but i'm just going to highlight a few things so that you can find some of this good information and some more resources to help you so we're just going to go to might help if I share my screen >>Kaycee Bennett: All right >>Kate Borg: Okay, so we are at the tsp website make that big there we go >>Kaycee Bennett: All right, and I can't see chat anymore, so if you all will let me know if there's a question or anything >>Kate Borg: I will be happy to answer it okay um So here we are on the main page, and so I just want to highlight a few things on this main page, so you will see that there >>Kaycee Bennett: Are things to navigate here at the very top, and some different areas of the website we're going to talk just about a couple of those and then, if we scroll down >>Kate Borg: you're going to see a place that says quick link, and this is really nice we've got some things that are highlighted, so this is actually where I want to start, we are going way out of order than what's on the handout >>Kaycee Bennett: But I do want to start here because I wanted to make sure to highlight this, so we have did you know tsp I had the magazine, and that we've had a magazine, for a very long time >>Kate Borg: And we this last year have taken it from print and put it so that it's entirely online and we're so excited about that and so it's called Texas sensibilities >>Kaycee Bennett: With articles written from families and from professionals all around the field, not just in Texas, but from all over the world >>Kate Borg: This spring issue we dedicated to Linda hey good i'm here we have we lost this last year, and so in this issue are things that Linda has written >>Kaycee Bennett: Some retrospectives and some really kind words from people that worked with Linda and new Linda really well as well as some other some really exciting things so there's an article here on the the zenith astronomy Program >>Kate Borg: Which is really neat so this comes out twice a year in the fall and in the spring, so we'll have a fall issue and end of October, beginning of November, and then a spring issue about April >>Kaycee Bennett: And so, when you come to the Texas sensibilities page, the current issue will always be this landing page >>Kate Borg: And then you can find past issues at the top there's a selection of menu selection that says all Texas sensibilities issues, and so you can go through and find previous issues from previous years, and it goes it goes pretty far back and the next tab over says espanyol, and so we have >>Kaycee Bennett: articles and the newsletter also in Spanish, and so families your Spanish speaking families and students can >>Kate Borg: and practitioners, I can find the information there and then a little bit just about what types of sensibilities is >>Kaycee Bennett: And then, if people would like to be subscribed to our constant contact list, they are notified when we when we upload a new issue >>Kate Borg: They can do that so that's Texas sensibilities all right i'm going to come back to the main website and, as I said, there's some >>Kaycee Bennett: navigation, at the very top of the page So you see, where it says tsp big online store this is where you're going to find the curriculum department >>Kate Borg: And so, if there are you know you're trying to buy the the brand new just done, you will be Braille fundamental This is where you can go so that tsp VI online store. But what I really want to highlight is this this button here that says event since we're going to go ahead and click that this is where you're going to be able to see all of the upcoming events that tsp is hosting. Right now it's a lot of coffee hour, we got in early and we got some of our stuff listed. But I want to highlight is on the left hand side you're going to see a filter menu, and this is where you're going to be able to filter all the events so you may say, since we're a coffee hour group you're going to come to topics here to say, I just want to see the coffee hours you can apply that filter it will filter everything and just show you that specific event so here's all the coffee hours we've got August that are uploaded. And then you can also by audience, you know if you say hey i'm wondering what's happening for families and what can I get families in on, as you can filter that as well. The more that we populate events, the more options, there will be for filtering so some of the topics, you know, maybe come more specific like orientation mobility, for example. And so that will that will continue to update as we continue to populate events, but I really wanted to highlight that because that's where you're going to find. What it is we're doing when all right outreach is now under the umbrella that says here so i'm i'm below, where it says out events there's another navigation bar >>Kate Borg: Right underneath it starts with about tsp VI admissions programs and then over to the right a little bit it's a statewide resources. So i'm going to click on that and that's going to take me to the landing page for the statewide resources and outreach programs, and so this is where you going to find the majority of our information for outreach. A lot of the resources and publications and we'll go through just a little bit. Here I want to make sure to save some time because casey's going to walk us through our deadline project websites want to make sure to save a few minutes for that. Alright, so we're here on the statewide resources and outreach programs page. And you'll see that there is another navigation bar that has popped up, you can also navigate by scrolling down and you'll see cards that have each of these titles. But we're going to use this this navigation bar up here to navigate So the first one is engagement, and this is where you're going to find information on family engagement you're going to find information on sport for schools, and so we have some great. Some great information and resources, like the administrators toolbox, we are updating that and that will be. posted very soon information on becoming a VI professional and also some tips and tricks for administrators that are new to evaluating TV eyes are orientation mobility specialist, and so this is all information for school personnel and go back to engagement. Also you'll find a landing page for our VI outreach program and then also a link that will take you to the Texas deaf blind project i'm not going to get into those but I encourage you to come and play around because you'll find lots of great resources and lots of great information. Okay, professional preparation. Is where you're going to find information and resources on things like how to become a tbi in Texas, a lot of information is going to be a you know across state lines but VI and own and preparation in Texas. Some page here with the great resources i'm typical roles and responsibilities So what are the roles and responsibilities of TV I love this page, because as an itinerant TV, I felt like I was explaining this all the time. In fact, I wanted to just get a T shirt just got all of it printed so it's like here's my job and roles and responsibilities of an orientation and mobility specialist is on there as well, alright so we're going to come back to professional preparation. There we go and then information for the new VI professional and as chrissy mentioned. there's also information on the mentor program if you are here in Texas, if you are not here in Texas I. Take a look it's a fantastic mentor program and so maybe you want to get something similar going in your state if you don't have that already. And then also some activities checklist both for omm and for VI so that's all on the left, that you can see that menu alright so we're going to go back again. i'm. actually know what that is that is it for that page all right outreach services. So here's where you're going to find information on consultations and trainings American printing House so chrissy already highlighted this. when she talks about the live binder the state tech loan program and then this wonderful resource outreach can't take credit for this one, but this is renee toy. One of our Librarians put this together and it's it's so good, so a wonderful introduction to Braille Braille display devices and then actual Braille training i'm so you can find all of that, under outreach services. Under professional development, this is where you're going to find things that outreach has published or publish under committees on which we serve, so we have the rnn visit and the visit, so this is the. Not a caseload analysis tool. I suddenly can't think of the. word for fish >>Chrissy Cowan: scale of visual impairment scale of service intensity >>Kate Borg: intensity, thank you, that was. I could not think of intensity yeah so as service intensity scale and it's it's so good y'all again it's like oh man I wish I had this when I was an itinerant TV I we oh i'm sorry go ahead, I think >>Chrissy Cowan: Maybe you see the Michigan severity rating scale it's it's similar >>Kate Borg: It is in order to get to that and goes a little more in depth and is validated found validate valid and reliable i'm. Also here, so we have speaking of visit we have a couple of great coffee hour sessions talking about the visit and the om visit. So we have our professional development library i'm to the right of publications and so clicking on here is going to take you to all of the webinars and coffee hours and study groups. and workshops that we have done and recorded so it's it's a lot there's a lot there so again we've got these filters in place that you can use, so you can filter by type. So I just want to see the coffee hours so it's the archive room or these are things that have already happened. or i'm interested in seeing some study groups or some other webinars that were given here, you can also filter by topic hey i'm looking for some professional development. On let's say literacy right, so I can click the literacy filter and i'm going to get what we've got that is tagged with literacy Okay, and you can see that there is a video and then, if there were handouts or transcript or chat or anything like that that will populate as well okay. So back under professional development, we also have online learning, so this is where you're going to find our e learning courses so anything that you can take for credit. So this will take you into a platform called bridge these are things that you do register for so that you can receive that ACR EP credit for those seeing us. And again, you can filter these by topic all right, so you know if you're interested in hey do they have any E learning courses on Braille yeah yeah we do. there's some great stuff on CBI, we have these wonderful modules are put together and so again, these are these are like like. modules or courses that you take for credit so that's under online learning. Okay, and then this is another way that you can also get to curriculum publication, so you can find that under the statewide resources umbrella. And the reason I like going through this way is because it also gives me the option to see the curriculum free publications, and so we have a lot of really good stuff that is available at no cost. I think that they are still populating some invest, because I know some things are missing. And so, this will continue to be updated, as things get ready, so you can see, the early learning the early tactile learning profile. Is there and it's free we've done a couple of coffee hours talking about this, the behavior guidance document is on here and also free. And then, a really fun wonderful comic that was written by christy kalin and Scott Baltics burger here outreach so Thomas and the case of the mysterious missing dog. Which is awesome about a boy with low vision and his his journey and self determination and I know chrissy that you that you all are writing a sequel do we have any word on when that's going to be done >>Chrissy Cowan: yeah no >>Kate Borg: Oh no. we'll get there. um alright, and then also back to curriculum publications and where you can find to the right of that about the curriculum department. So shared a little bit about who they are, and what they do and then below that is a button that says visit the store so again, you can visit the curriculum store. One thing I did not point out, and I just forgot so i'm going to go back there when you go to statewide resources, I do want to point out. So it's a statewide resources and outreach programs has just a little sentence about what that is and what that means, and the very next thing down. And either you're either your screen right or whatever we'll find is a big yellow button that says contact outreach, so this is how, if you are interested in some information and resources. Within Texas, if you are wanting a consultation, a specific student consultation if you're interested in training and that can be anyone it doesn't need to be in Texas, but interested in training or you know. Have a family or our family member that is wanting to have his contact you this is the way that you're going to do it so clicking on this button will take you. To our form, so you can tell us what it is that you're looking for support for a specific student looking for resources request training or workshop or any other general questions okay. All right, um before I turn it over to Casey I just want to highlight a couple of other things um. let's see. Oh, you know you know what I already did it because I started with text sensibilities. So that was going to be the last thing that I had wanted to highlight all right, I can see, on my little chat notification that there were some chats there are some question Casey were you able to answer all those >>Kaycee Bennett: Yes, I will let you chime in there was a couple of questions about what we do offer a CV rip credit for and what we don't I did review that are recorded coffee hours, you are not able to get a CD rip credit for, if you tune in live, you can but they. recorded, you cannot and but our live trainings that we do have a CV rip credit in our online learning section does offer a CV rip credit is there anything you want to add to that >>Kate Borg: No that's exactly right, so if it's if it's under that online learning that does have a CV our EP credit, otherwise it needs to be live for that. for you to get credit I just noticed a typo on my hand out and now it's really bugging me because I put family engagement, instead of family engagement. And now I see it, and it's bothering me i'm going to turn it over to Casey to walk us take a few minutes and walk us through the Texas deaf blind project website because Casey is one of our architects of that site. hi everyone >>Kaycee Bennett: All right, i'm gonna share my screen and we can just go through it together. Okay, will you post the handout again in the chat for me >>Kate Borg: on it >>Kaycee Bennett: perfect. Oh right Okay, so we are looking at the Texas deaf blind project website, which is separate from the tsp VI website, although there is a link to it on our new tsp VI website as Kate showed, and this websites web addresses tx deaf blind This is what the landing page looks like we've got. main menu at the top and the main categories are home, which is where you can learn about who we are and what we do, how we're funded all that kind of stuff and. We have a products page, which I will show you in just a moment we have a page on behavioral supports. which has some really great articles and a really great tool to look at in a moment, we have a deaf blind interaction micro site. Which is formatted a little bit differently than everything else that's on this website it kind of reads more like a book and doesn't have necessarily like tools for you to go and capture, but it has. A lot of things to think about and reflect on and on your practice and there's an orientation and mobility page, which has a lot of really great tools and also links to Chris tabs live binders. We have a teachers or students who are deaf blind tab which has all kinds of great information for our TD bs and which we are. moving towards certification in the State of Texas, so we have lots of new resources coming out all the time. We have a tab called resources which we're going to dive into in just a second, and then we have a tab called instructional strategies. And more time instructional strategies so if you are looking for information on calendar systems or choice boards or routine based learning. And this is a really great place to go dig around there's video examples there's tutorials there's pictures there's all kinds of really great stuff in here. And where I do want to spend a few minutes is under products so again that's the second tab on the main menu at the top, once you click that link it opens up our products page which populates a right hand menu. And there's really great stuff under Articles online courses and websites podcasts and webinars and we've got recordings from our. most recent deaf blind some Texas symposium on deaf blind education, which was in 2021 but where I want to look, since we just have a short time today is books publications and newsletters. And this is where you will find everything that our team has published so the Texas def buying project has published and so we've got and their alpha ties which is nice So this has the Adam Ls assessment of definitely an access to manual language systems is listed here. calendars book by Robbie blade hi Linda hey goods communication book here we've got determining the need for an interviewer and educational settings. which we updated and publish the updated version, a year ago, so if you've not looked recently definitely check that out, and it has guiding questions now that I think are really, really helpful. And we've got the new guidance for planning behavior intervention for children and young adults who are deaf blind or have visual and multiple impairments, and this is another new. New publication that we just came out with last year and it's really, really fantastic has a lot of really great reading and the beginning about just kind of. holistic approach to behavior intervention, and it has a tool and then it also has some sample bips behavior intervention plans that are included in that free tool so check that out. I up checklist for proficient communicators who are deaf blind lives here and i'd be quality indicators. The iffy, which is the informal functional hearing evaluation and then our introduction to sexuality education for students who are deaf blind and significantly developmentally delayed also lives here, so you can check all of that out. The last place, I want to show you is under resources, so if you click the main tab at the top for resources. Again, a right hand menu populates there's resources on our agencies organizations and services, both in the car Texas, and also nationwide and worldwide. We have live binders which includes a lot of Chris tabs like binders, as you probably could guess by the fact that they're live binders. And we also have some from susie takes, who is the Queen of life binders so we have those listed There we have online courses and websites and as a tab and then where I want to show you today is under topical resources. Some clicks topical resources and we have different that's separated by topics, as you can tell from the name and the topics are alphabet eyes, so the first one is assessment tools. And there are a list of assessment tools here, some of which are products that we publish that were on the products page like the mls and if we are here, but there's also. A lot of resources and a lot of tools that are linked here that are not ours, which is what's different about the resources page, so we have information we have. Communication matrix here and home talk and other really great tools and that were published by other organizations or other people. Early childhood has a section here, so if you're serving and young children who are deaf blind, this is a really great place to look our early childhood consultant curated this list. So check that out, we have one on educational considerations and a bunch of really great tools here and for our school age population we've got a family engagement. section which our family engagement coordinator curated has really great stuff again, both for taxes and nationwide. So definitely check that out, we have IP development tools, so that includes quality indicators determining the need. Eligibility guidelines all kinds of great stuff proficient communicators and so, if you have students who are proficient communicators at or near grade level we've got all kinds of great. articles and resources for you to use their qualified personnel is the next section and there's a lot of stuff on intervening years here and there's also. Here in the State of Texas, we wrote standards for TD bs teachers or students who are deaf blind and they were approved by our state Board of educator certification. And those standards are linked here, so if you're curious about those and they are there for you and we've got some information about. Co navigators here as well. tactile learning and tactile language is the next section and will. We have linked to the tackle working memory scale and and then a few books from our friends at the Nordic welfare Center. If you're not familiar with the work that the Nordic welfare Center is doing over in the Nordic countries definitely check this out, I I can't say enough good things about it. In fact, my coffee hour at the end of this month will be all about this so. If you're interested in tactile language development definitely check out these resources and then transition planning and taxes or transition specialist. for students who are deaf blind has curated this list, and I think all of these are Texas specific, but not to say you couldn't. You know grab some great information here to us and other states, so it was a super quick overview over the two main main pages that we use, and then the headings for all of the other areas of our website. Are there any questions about where to find something that you're looking for I know we've had a lot of changes lately and with our new tsp VI website some of what was on the project site was linked and those links. Did this. morning goes. Those links disconnected and so we've been working to fix those, but if you find some that we've missed please feel free to let us know we'll get those up and running as quick as possible. And yeah just let us know if there's anything missing if there's anything that you are used to seeing on the tsp website and can't find we would love to help you find them. The tackle symbols that's something that's a great question somebody just asked how do you find the tactical symbols. We have had that question come in and we are working to figure out how to get that back up and running so stay tuned that will be that will that's in the works >>Kate Borg: patty and you know that brings up a great point so another thing that that I wanted to say is that this tsp VI website is very new and it is very not complete. So we are still working and curating the the website before I mean it was the Wild West y'all. There were so many pages and so trying to consolidate everything and and whatnot it's just going to take a while, so we recognize that there are things that are not currently on the tsp site. But they will be so especially look under that statewide resources under professional development, where you see products, a lot of things are going to go there. And so, so just keep an eye out, and as we can get things up we'll get them up, as we can get pages added will get pages added. And we just appreciate ahead of time we appreciate your patience and we know we know there's things missing. We are working on it um but it, but it also shows that we want some things to live in multiple places like we need that tactile learning information or the tactile symbol communication information. On the project website right and so some of that we want to make sure is crossed over so. We appreciate everybody Thank you so much for for joining us i'll pass it to Casey and just a second and for her to close this out, but. want to thank chrissy and Casey for for being willing to jump in on this and you know again. I know not the most exciting topic, but we sure hope that you feel like you've got some information to get this year started, I have to show you so i'm wearing a shirt that says least, though. Is my Austin FC soccer team shirt but I wore it today because least awesome Spanish means we're ready, and I have been so ready and excited for a new school year. So this was just a fun way to kick it off, and like I said, hopefully, you feel a little bit more prepared so thank you chrissy Thank you Casey and he will turn it over to you. Perfect awesome guys well, thank you, thank you so much, and to both of you for presenting today I want to start by sharing the code in case anybody needs to jump to their next meeting, the code for today's session is 080822. that's 080822 next week on August 15 we have new CC me in the home and Community through teaming and that'll be with Chris tab. On August 22 we have the value of family engagement, the transformation to an equitable equitable approach for service delivery with megan cody Daniela surely any Bella and jenna Villa may and patty McGowan. On August 29 we have tackle language development and students who are congenitally deaf blind with me Casey Bennett. And you can find these sessions and registration information on our new site remember it's different from what it used to be it's at tsp slash events or go to that homepage and click events. Again, to obtain your see us for today, you will respond to the evaluation that will be emailed to you from our registration website as see works you'll enter the Code, which again is 080822. And that certificate will automatically generate after you complete that evaluation. Also, the handouts, and the recordings from this and our past sessions are available through a link on our coffee our archives, which Kate showed you here on the new website tsp And then go under statewide resources and then professional development and you'll see coffee hour on the right hand side of that page Those are our archives. When you follow that link that says coffee hour it'll take you to the recordings handouts transcripts and chat information from our past sessions Thank you all so much for starting your school year with us we're so excited to be back with you one more time today's code is 080822. And somebody asked, can I repeat how to get credit, yes, you will receive an email, and probably this evening. From our website E s C works and it'll have an evaluation you'll complete that evaluation at the end asks for the code that I just gave you'll put that in and the certificate will pop right up for you. Thank you all so much >>Kate Borg: Thanks everyone.