TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Impact of Stress on Brain Development and Brain Resiliency - Part 3 - 9-30-21
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Impact of Stress on Brain Development and Brain Resiliency - Part 3 - 9-30-21
Open Captioned and ASL*
Part 3: Intentional Happy : How things big, small and in-between can increase one's joy. Though most people think they know what makes them happy, we find ourselves often attempting to increase or search for happiness in our lives. Through describing research on the experience of happiness, as well as, sharing personal reflections and stories the presenters hope to provide an opportunity for participants to examine how changes in behaviors and perceptions may lead to increased happiness and well-being in day-to-day life.
*Note: Due to unprecedented technical problems, ASL interpretation is missing for 12 minutes in the middle of the presentation. Captions are visible throughout. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Lowell Bartholomee | |
2465 | |
10/7/2021 | |
00:47:48 | |