"The JAWS Song" by Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Short Term Programs, Kat Heitman, Eva VanHouten, and the Spinrockers
"The JAWS Song" by Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Short Term Programs, Kat Heitman, Eva VanHouten, and the Spinrockers
“The JAWS Song” by Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Short Term Programs, lyrics by Kat Heitman and Eva VanHouten, musical arrangement by Devin Gutierrez and vocals by the Spinrockers – Devin Gutierrez and Mary Rose.
A parody of Little Nas X song “Old Town Road” written by Atticus Matthew Ross, Kiowa Roukema, Michael Trent Reznor, and Montero Lamar Hill. Published by Kobalt Music Publishing America, Songs of Universal, and Sony/ATV Music Publishing
tsbvi.edu, facebook.com/thespinrockers, facebook.com/devingutierrezmusic
TSBVI Archivist | |
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10/20/2020 | |
00:03:22 | |
Spinrockers, JAWS, music, Fine Arts, license, parody, Windows, Assistive Technology |