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The Stress-Trauma Continuum in Students with Visual Impairment
Open captioned. A mean comment about glasses, getting hit by a ball in PE, an inaccessible science graphic, or an embarrassing missed social cue are examples of experiences that might trigger the nervous systems of students and their families. For health and well-being, activated nervous systems need to return to a state of calm. When stress accumulates or trauma is unprocessed, mental health becomes compromised. This Coffee Talk explores the stress-trauma continuum in the context of visual impairment, potential effects on students and their families, and strategies for providing support.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Trauma Informed Instruction for Students with Sensory Impairments - 5/23/22
Open captioned. There are a number of similarities between the behavioral characteristics associated with childhood trauma and those commonly demonstrated by students with visual impairments, including those who are multiply impaired and/or deafblind. Parallels also exist among educational approaches for working with our population (Jan van Dijk, Lilli Nielsen, Barbara Miles, etc.) and therapeutic approaches for working with those who have experienced childhood trauma. During this coffee hour, the presenters will discuss how trauma-informed instruction and educational approaches for populations with sensory impairments complement and support each other.