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22 items found in 3 pages
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Digital Math: Workflows from Teacher to Student and Student to Teacher
Workflows for accessible math are ever changing in the digital world! Come and join us to discuss multiple approaches for producing accessible math for all grade levels of students, various low-tech and high-tech options that students can use to express their learning, and factors that may influence workflows.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Tactonom Reader Live Demo
Open Captioned. Klaus-Peter Hars demonstrates the Tactonom Reader, a new tactile teaching tool with many applications across subjects.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Bookshare
People with reading barriers face numerous challenges. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired, 90% of whom live in developing countries. An even higher number of people have dyslexia or a language-based learning disability that makes it difficult or impossible to read printed text. UNESCO has reported that if all students in low income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, equivalent to a 12% cut in world poverty. Bookshare® is an ebook library that makes reading easier. Members can access a huge collection of ebooks and read their way with the most customizable ebooks for people with reading barriers. See how Bookshare ebooks work. The library has over 1.3 million titles and is the most extensive collection of accessible ebooks in the world.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: CViConnect
CViConnect PRO utilizes the forward-facing camera to capture 64 unique points along the human face in real time. The innovative technology provides educational teams with valuable data points regarding the learner’s functional vision. Join us to understand how this data can be beneficial to the entire IEP team. Throughout this breakout session, participants will be provided with examples of the data recorded and reported to the CViConnect PRO Sessions. Together we will analyze the data provided to gain a deeper understanding of how the learner is using their functional vision.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Vispero
A presentation on the products Vesper provides for the visually impaired.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Desmos
Sarah Larkin demonstrates the Desmos graphing calculator.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Leader Dogs
Open Captioned. One of Leader Dog’s newest programs is the Teen O&M program. Teen Orientation and Mobility provides O&M training for teens and education for an adult supporter to learn more about blindness, the skills their loved one uses and how to help with O&M goals. Instruction can cover basic cane skills to advanced cane skills to guide dog readiness. Participants in this program stay in a local hotel and participate in our traditional training environments. All travel, meals and hotel expenses for both the teen and adult supporter are covered by Leader Dog. During the instruction period, clients and their supporters also receive a tour of the Leader Dog facilities. Additionally, every June Leader Dog hosts a free week-long Teen Summer Camp for 16 and 17-year-olds who are legally blind. This camp focuses on leadership skills, mobility options such as working with a guide dog, accessible GPS and making friendships and memories to last a lifetime.
Cris Cole Rehabilitation Center Smart Start: Accessing Options for Independence at Home and Work
At Cris Cole Rehabilitation Center (CCRC), students learn in multiple modalities, whether high- or low-tech, for accomplishing their vocational goals. To help students integrate their skills into their home environment after they graduate, CCRC has started an initiative called the Smart Start Studio, an innovative learning lab where students can explore the many choices available to the blind and visually impaired community and make informed choices for their future. The Smart Start team- Community Engagement Coordinator Jessica Glasebrook and Technology Instructor/Smart Start Committee Chair Dustin Boggus- will explore the exciting world of advanced technology and accessibility, as well as classic independent living options that never go out of style.
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