3 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Impact of Stress on Brain Development and Brain Resiliency - Part 1 - 9-30-21
Open captioned and ASL. In this session Dr. Cameron will explain how experiences shape brain development, and how increased anxiety and stress influence a number of processes in the developing brain. She will focus on how experiences can also help children build resilience to the impact of stress and anxiety, and on how parents and communities can enhance their use of social supports to optimize children’s brain development.
The Insights of Dr. Jan van Dijk
Dr. Jan van Dijk discusses the education of children who are deafblind. Chapters: 1. Early Research; 2. Vision's Importance in Emotional Development; 3. Emotional Connections and the Developing Brain; 4. The Sense of Touch; 5. Early Intervention; 6. Security and the Biology of Stress; 7. The Biology of "It"; 8. The Importance of Friendship; 9. Taking Time to Connect; 10. Resonance
Effects of Anxiety and Stress
A massive anxiety cannot be removed by demands or requests to do what you are afraid of doing. While using energy to resist child is unable to learn anything at all. If learners want to spend time with you, you're probably playing at their emotional level. Click the Resources button to download a transcript or audio file.