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Family Day 2021 - Sesión 2 - Sarah Barnes -  Taller de Cuentos (en Espanol)
Sarah Barnes dirige un taller sobre historias. ASL. Close captioned.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Story time. A Former Blind Child. How Technology Saved My Life. - 11-1-21 - new version
Open Captioned. ASL interpretation. Bill Boules is a former blind student turned rehabilitation professional. Join us as he tells a story of learning to use technology in order to gain success. He will discuss gaining independence through exploration, education and empowerment.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Story Time- Creating Meaningful Experience Stories With Your Students
2/11/2021 When we create experience stories with children, we builld literacy skills while supporting the development of deeper connections with others and an interest in reading. Experience stories empower children and teach them to find joy in reminisicing. This session focuses on various ways to create and use experience stories in a variety of formats. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
My Brain is an Admiral Washer
A student with low vision and attention difficulties pretends to be a washing machine during each cycle. This creative enactment helps with his emotional self-regulation.
Playing with Words
6/25/2020 Playing with Words is a collaborative approach to play-based storytelling with students who are blind or visually impaired who have additional disabilities, including those who are autistic or deafblind. Learn about this microsite on Paths to Literacy, which includes student videos, planning and reflection forms, and ideas & resources to implement this technique.

Participants will:

- Develop an awareness of the Playing with Words approach to storytelling.

- Increase understanding about the different types of stories.

- Become familiar with ideas and resources on the microsite.

Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:

- Introduction

- Experience Stories

- Songs & Poems

- Pretend Stories

- Yoga Stories

- Epic Stories

Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or audio file.
Tactile Symbols
Carol Bittinger, Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) discusses the use of Tactile Symbols in calendar, augmented communication, environmental awareness, Reading & Writing, Math, Science and games. Tactile Symbols give students structure and predictability by helping them to organize and document their thoughts and experiences.

Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Introduction
- Calendar
- Communication
- Environmental Awareness
- Reading & Writing part 1
- Reading & Writing part 2
- Mathematics
- Science
- Games
- Concluding comments on importance of Tactile Symbols

Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).

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