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TSBVI Coffee Hour: Coaching vs. Consulting- What's the Difference?
2/8/2021 Coaching and consulting are often used synonymously, but these two approaches have key differences. Knowing when to employ one approach over another can help improve your effectiveness at addressing your client’s needs. Attend this Coffee Hour to explore the differences between coaching and consulting and to identify in various scenarios when one approach may be preferable to the other. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Mentor Training
10/01/2016 Mentoring a first-year TVI or COMS is both a rewarding and challenging role. Mentor Coordinator, Chrissy Cowan and TSBVI Outreach Director, Cyral Miller, provide valuable insight into the mentor-protégé relationship and offer practical tips on professional communication. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Common First-Year Problems - What are Mentors? - Styles of Mentoring - Email & Texting Tips - Stages of Mentor-Protégé Relationship Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout