11 items found in 2 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Expanded Core on the Digital Platform
11/9/2020 Expanded Core on the Digital Platform: Ideas for using mainstream education technology for Expanded Core Lessons & Activities with Robbin Keating-Clark Education technology (aka Ed-Tech) has a lot of power for hosting effective Expanded Core lessons & activities. Check out how you can use popular ed tech for Expanded Core instruction. I'll give you a list of different platforms, apps and ideas for instruction. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Breathing Through Remote Learning
11/2/2020 For Families with Students who are DeafBlind and/or have Multiple Disabilities with Sarah Steele and Julie Lemman Julie and Sarah have worked remotely with students who are DeafBlind and students with multiple disabilities. They will share their insights and strategies for family engagement, social-emotional support, and developing social skills in a remote setting.
My Brain is an Admiral Washer
A student with low vision and attention difficulties pretends to be a washing machine during each cycle. This creative enactment helps with his emotional self-regulation.
Playing with Words
6/25/2020 Playing with Words is a collaborative approach to play-based storytelling with students who are blind or visually impaired who have additional disabilities, including those who are autistic or deafblind. Learn about this microsite on Paths to Literacy, which includes student videos, planning and reflection forms, and ideas & resources to implement this technique.

Participants will:

- Develop an awareness of the Playing with Words approach to storytelling.

- Increase understanding about the different types of stories.

- Become familiar with ideas and resources on the microsite.

Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:

- Introduction

- Experience Stories

- Songs & Poems

- Pretend Stories

- Yoga Stories

- Epic Stories

Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or audio file.
Social and Emotional Development
How do children with special needs interact with those around them? Many children have wonderful relationships with parents, with teachers, with siblings and with friends, but other children don't. Some children can be aggressive, or self injurious, or they might want to be left alone. Social and emotional development in children with severe multiple disabilities provides some insight into these behaviors. Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.
Jack Using a Little Room
01/31/2017 Demonstration of the "perceptualizing aids," Little Room and Resonance Board. Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout
Active Learning study group - Chapters 8 & 9
04/07/2015 TSBVI Outreach staff members Kate Hurst, Statewide Staff Development Coordinator and Matt Schultz, Deafblind Education Consultant discuss Chapters 8 and 9 in the book Early Learning Step-by-Step by Dr. Lilli Nielsen, creator of Active Learning. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Learning to Dress & Undress - Constructive Play Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
TETN 32966 Creating a TAG (Transition Action Group)
12/09/2014 TETN 32955 Creating a TAG (Transition Action Group) is presented by parent and Texas Parent to Parent consultant Rosemary Alexander, PhD. Dr. Alexander talks about Pathways to Adulthood and how to create a Transition Action Group to help parents and students transition from school to adulthood. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Pathways to Adulthood - Questions about P2A - Transition Action Group - Texas Parent to Parent Website Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
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