151 items found in 19 pages
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Digital Math: Workflows from Teacher to Student and Student to Teacher
Workflows for accessible math are ever changing in the digital world! Come and join us to discuss multiple approaches for producing accessible math for all grade levels of students, various low-tech and high-tech options that students can use to express their learning, and factors that may influence workflows.
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Desmos
Sarah Larkin demonstrates the Desmos graphing calculator.
Tech Tea Time: Rolling out Tech in the Classroom
Guest presenter Sam Dooley shows how the Lake Pines Braille math products can help your students.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Using the Orion TI-84+ Talking Graphing Calculator
Learn about the Orion TI-84 Plus talking graphing calculator and its benefits for students with visual impairments. Explore features, including interactions using audio, speech, and haptic feedback. Invite your student's math teacher to this session. Discover the Orbit Research website and how to order new calculators, submit old ones for repair, replace lost accessories, and benefit from support and resources. Bring your questions, and we will do our best to answer them.
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