33 items found in 5 pages
TSBVI Tech Tea Time: Bookshare
People with reading barriers face numerous challenges. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired, 90% of whom live in developing countries. An even higher number of people have dyslexia or a language-based learning disability that makes it difficult or impossible to read printed text. UNESCO has reported that if all students in low income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, equivalent to a 12% cut in world poverty. Bookshare® is an ebook library that makes reading easier. Members can access a huge collection of ebooks and read their way with the most customizable ebooks for people with reading barriers. See how Bookshare ebooks work. The library has over 1.3 million titles and is the most extensive collection of accessible ebooks in the world.
Braille is Literacy
Open captioned. This round-table discussion features panelists with professional expertise and lived experiences in literacy in braille. The goal of this presentation is to ensure that every student receives the instruction and tools necessary for optimal literacy development. Topics covered in this discussion include: Why Braille is a game changer The specific benefits of literacy in braille Getting students and families excited about braille Literacy-rich environments Bridging the gap between research and practice.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Book Access for Students with Visual Impairment - 11/28/22
Open captioned. Come learn about the vast array of reading options now available for large print, audio, and braille. Organizations such as Bookshare, Texas Talking Book Program, BARD, and Learning Ally will be covered.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Nemeth in a Box
Closed Captioned. This session will share a variety of games, activities, and resources that can be used when providing instruction of Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts to students at the middle school level. It will include the use of Which One Doesn't Belong (WODB), Bingo, What is Wrong (WOW), What is the Question, Mazes, Boggle, and Jeopardy! This can be done virtually and in person. The purpose of the games is to promote critical thinking skills while learning the Nemeth code and reinforcing math concepts. Participants will be able to: 1. Identify ways to include families in virtual instruction of the Nemeth Code. 2. Identify three activities that can be used to teach Nemeth code in person or virtually to middle school students who read braille. 3. Make connections between learning the Nemeth code and learning math.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Literacy Considerations for Individuals with CVI: Part 2 - 10-4-21
Open Captioned. Literacy Considerations for Individuals with Cortical Visual Impairment, Part 2, will address questions posted during the May 2021 presentation. Part 2 will further explore literacy experiences and the customization of curriculum for individuals in Phase II and Phase III (Roman-Lantzy, 2018) who are ready for instruction with print symbols.
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