7 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Tactile Language Development in Students who are Congenitally Deafblind - 8/29/22
Open captioned. This session will begin to discuss the information shared in the Nordic Welfare Centre's book "If you can see it, you can support it: A book on tactile language".
TSBVI Coffee Hour: From the Front Lines- Deaf/Hard of Hearing Early Interventionists Supporting Families
2/25/2021 Part 1: This presentation will focus on early communication strategies and how to incorporate these strategies into tele-intervention, as well as in-person home visits. All three presenters are Deaf themselves and have years of experience in early intervention. Topics presented will be varied but will include: supporting early communication foundations, coaching strategies, American Sign Language, and technology to support spoken language. All these topics will relate to the primary focus of creating a language rich home environment. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Implementing the Intervener Model for Students with Emerging Language
12-14-2020 The intervener team is a supplementary service model designed to improve access to visual and auditory information in the classroom for students who are deafblind. This presentation will provide a description of the some of the tools and resources developed for use by teams incorporating the intervener model in their educational setting. It will include discussion on various ways in which educational teams may choose to incorporate these resources in creating instructional activities for students who are visually impaired or deafblind and are in the process of developing formal language acquisition. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Tactile Reciprocal Interactions & BETs
02/21/2015 An interview with Bernadette Van Den Tillaart and Gunnar Vege, who both work with children with congenital deafblindness. Their experiences and research have led them to emphasis the need for educators to enter into the tactile world of the child with deafblindness, to mirror and affirm a child's experiences and emotions, from which a child becomes increasingly self-aware and better able to communicate and interact with the environment. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - From Meaningful to Significant - Applying Meaningful Experiences - To Be the Affirming Mirror - The Co-Present Partner - Becoming a Tactile Mind - Tactile Mirror - Tension & Emotion in Interaction - Bodily Emotional Traces Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) or audio recording (mp3).
Hearing Issues for Students with Deafblindness - LMA
12/03/2015 A documented hearing loss creates specific differences in assessing and interpreting data for learning media assessments for students with deafblindness. This webinar will discuss a collaboration process between the TVI and the TDHH to determine general and literacy media that includes a review of audiometric data and the functional impact of the hearing loss in instructional settings. This webinar expands on topics and information presented in the Hearing Issues Series from the previous year. Participants will need to have viewed the “Introduction to Hearing Loss” and “Audiological Testing” webinars prior to viewing this session.  Facilitated by Adam Graves, Deafblind Specialist with TSBVI Outreach Programs. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - What Do I Need for an LMA? - Determining Sensory Channels - TVI & TDHH Collaboration - Assessment Tools Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Please, See Me as the Person I Am.
Keynote by Bernadette van den Tillaart (Netherlands) & Gunnar Vege (Norway) at the 2015 Deafblind Symposium in Austin, TX. Gunnar and Bernadette introduce the concepts of "co-presence" and Bodily Emotional Traces (BETs). Through role play and videos, they demonstrate how an active communication partner (parent, educator, caregiver, etc) can enter the tactual communication of a person with deafblindness and equally share in his/her experience of the world. When the communication partner comments on these shared experiences, using signs from the language of the culture, it both, affirms the person with deafblindness, and opens a cognitive door to language development. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Early Learning Step by Step - Chapter 3 - Movements: A Prerequisite for Learning
10/07/2014 TSBVI Outreach staff members Kate Hurst, Statewide Staff Development Coordinator and Matt Schultz, Deafblind Education Consultant discuss Chapter 3, Movements: A Pre-requisite for learning in the book Early Learning Step-by-Step by Dr. Lilli Nielsen, creator of Active Learning. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Foundation for Learning - Child Development without Disabilities - Video Sample - Child Development with Disabilities - Video Sample - Discussion Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).