20 items found in 3 pages
Important Issues for DeafBlind Students
Close Captioned presented by David Wiley
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Active Learning Space Resource for Learning
9/24/2020 Join Kate Hurst and Charlotte Cushman from TSBVI Outreach as they discusses resources for active learning. Learn to use the Active Learning Space to develop programming for students under the developmental age of 48 months whether the students is being served at home or in a school classroom. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Five Phases of Educational Treatment
12/01/2016 The Five Phases of Educational Treatment developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Overview - Phase I - Offering - Phase II - Imitation - Phase III - Interaction - Phase IV - Sharing the Work - Phase V - Consequence Click the Resources button for a Transcript (txt) and Audio (mp3).
Tactile Reciprocal Interactions & BETs
02/21/2015 An interview with Bernadette Van Den Tillaart and Gunnar Vege, who both work with children with congenital deafblindness. Their experiences and research have led them to emphasis the need for educators to enter into the tactile world of the child with deafblindness, to mirror and affirm a child's experiences and emotions, from which a child becomes increasingly self-aware and better able to communicate and interact with the environment. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - From Meaningful to Significant - Applying Meaningful Experiences - To Be the Affirming Mirror - The Co-Present Partner - Becoming a Tactile Mind - Tactile Mirror - Tension & Emotion in Interaction - Bodily Emotional Traces Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) or audio recording (mp3).
Touch has Memory
A slideshow from the 2016 workshop Power of Touch. During this workshop TSBVI Outreach consultants help parents re-discover how tactile communication empowers their children, allowing them to express themselves, be understood and learn about the world.
The Power of Touch
Testimonials from parents who participated in the The Power of Touch workshop at Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
1 of 2, Be a Good Playmate - cookie time!
During calendar, a teacher and student share information about a cooking activity. They take turns and have fun with the objects. While both are able to lead the conversation, the teacher introduces signs for the objects and the activity.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

10 of 10, Active Learning Study Group - January 21, 2014
10 of 10, Wrap up. Kate Hurst leads the discussion of Dr. Neilsen's book Are You Blind?. The focus is on Phase 3: Interaction Phase.

Original contributor Kate Hurst

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