5 items found in 1 pages
Cris Cole Rehabilitation Center Smart Start: Accessing Options for Independence at Home and Work
At Cris Cole Rehabilitation Center (CCRC), students learn in multiple modalities, whether high- or low-tech, for accomplishing their vocational goals. To help students integrate their skills into their home environment after they graduate, CCRC has started an initiative called the Smart Start Studio, an innovative learning lab where students can explore the many choices available to the blind and visually impaired community and make informed choices for their future. The Smart Start team- Community Engagement Coordinator Jessica Glasebrook and Technology Instructor/Smart Start Committee Chair Dustin Boggus- will explore the exciting world of advanced technology and accessibility, as well as classic independent living options that never go out of style.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: No Car Keys-No Problem, Independent travel when not driving
Having independence in travel is a critical life skill when not driving. This presentation will focus building those unique travel skills and identifying pros and cons of different modes of travel.
Iron Chef
In this class, based on the premise of the Iron Chef television show, students will prepare and cook a variety of basic foods within a fun context, as they prepare food over the course of the weekend. They will learn a variety of culinary techniques, including using a stove and oven, how to handle raw meat, cutting/chopping/dicing, pouring, measuring, food safety, using a timer, storing items, working in a team, reading recipes, setting a table, and shopping/grocery store navigation. In the dorm after school, students will also practice other skills of independent living (e.g., organizing one's personal area), as well as social skills, recreation, leisure, and self-determination. Simply being together and sharing similar challenges can be an invaluable, life-changing experience for students.
Prom weekend is that wonderful time of year when TSBVI high school students, along with friends from around the state, put on their finest to dance the night away. We’ll have team-building activities on Friday and Saturday, and students will be encouraged to make their own corsages for the big night. Group of students mugging for the camera before promExpanded Core Curriculum areas covered will include social skills, communication, self-advocacy, recreation-leisure, and independent living, all while participating in exciting activities. Most importantly, the students will be able to visit with old friends and make new ones, which hopefully will endure into adulthood.
TSBVI EXIT and Post Secondary: Overview and Comparison
11/12/2015 The EXIT and Post Secondary Programs at TSBVI serve 18-22 year olds who are blind or visually impaired. Assistant Principal for EXIT, Tad Doezema, and Post Secondary Coordinator, Linda Locke provide a side-by-side comparison of the two programs, in order to help professionals and family members determine which program is most appropriate for their student or child. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Similarities & Differences - Eligibility Criteria - Costs - Living Arrangement - Student Examples - Transition Planning - Program Duration - Resources Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).