4 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: From Theory to Practice - 9/19/22
The presentation will provide an overview of infant mental health, underscoring the critical role of early relational experiences. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young children and their caregivers will also be reviewed. Strategies for supporting caregivers and young children through relationship-focused interventions will be provided. Finally, participants will be invited to explore the role that self-care/self-compassion play in providing care to others. Open captioned and ASL.
Family Day 2020 - Health Center Q&A
Question and answer session with Sally Freeman, TSBVI Health Center Director on topics related to COVID-19 precautions at the school.
Health and Safety Plan Roll-out
Video introducing the Draft COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan. [open-captioned]
Deafblind Insights - Joe Gibson
Interview with Dr. Joe Gibson Outdoor Activities Coordinator; Sense Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.