5 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Story time. A Former Blind Child. How Technology Saved My Life. - 11-1-21 - new version
Open Captioned. ASL interpretation. Bill Boules is a former blind student turned rehabilitation professional. Join us as he tells a story of learning to use technology in order to gain success. He will discuss gaining independence through exploration, education and empowerment.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: But What Do I DO with a Toddler?!
Open captioned. This presentation will focus on instructional strategies for working with infants and toddlers with vision impairment. The session will touch on a variety of topics including, assessment; strategies for developing vision and compensatory skills; glasses and patching; complex kids; motor strategies; working with other professionals; etc.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Impact of Stress on Brain Development and Brain Resiliency - Part 1 - 9-30-21
Open captioned and ASL. In this session Dr. Cameron will explain how experiences shape brain development, and how increased anxiety and stress influence a number of processes in the developing brain. She will focus on how experiences can also help children build resilience to the impact of stress and anxiety, and on how parents and communities can enhance their use of social supports to optimize children’s brain development.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Progression of Tactile Learning- A Developmental Checklist
10/19/2020 The Progression of Tactile Learning is currently in development at TSBVI. It is a checklist designed to help teachers create a “Tactile Profile” for students with visual impairment who are struggling with the acquisition of tactile skills and/or have not made expected progress. This information will assist in developing instruction that targets specific individual needs in that area. Participants will have the opportunity to review and comment on the PTL and we welcome your input! Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
Social and Emotional Development
How do children with special needs interact with those around them? Many children have wonderful relationships with parents, with teachers, with siblings and with friends, but other children don't. Some children can be aggressive, or self injurious, or they might want to be left alone. Social and emotional development in children with severe multiple disabilities provides some insight into these behaviors. Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout.