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Open Captioned. How do we join the person who is deafblind in sharing their world, a world experienced through touch? How do we arouse curiosity? What is the path to bonding? Why must we recognize and affirm their communication before a formal language can be co-created? Have you ever considered how a person who is DeafBlind learns the concepts that people with vision and hearing learn incidentally…. from observation? During our Coffee Hour session, we will explore experiencing the world through the sense of touch. We will investigate how to initiate interaction, share meaningful experiences, and co-create formal language with the deafblind learner. The hope of this session is to provide the audience with questions that will provoke thought, reflection, and further inquiry into interactions with individuals who are DeafBlind. The session is not intended as a “how-to” guide for instruction.
Open Captioned. ASL.
An overview of this underidentified group of students, who participate in the general education or Deaf education settings. We will review strategies and supports to consider for this unique population.
Dr. Jan van Dijk discusses the education of children who are deafblind. Chapters:
1. Early Research;
2. Vision's Importance in Emotional Development;
3. Emotional Connections and the Developing Brain;
4. The Sense of Touch;
5. Early Intervention;
6. Security and the Biology of Stress;
7. The Biology of "It";
8. The Importance of Friendship;
9. Taking Time to Connect;
10. Resonance
This webinar will explore the connection between the auditory system and the development of sensory motor and language skills. We will examine the importance of creating active learning routines which focus on helping children who are blind, deafblind with multiple impairments learn to listen for sound cues in order to be able to move and interact with the people and objects in their environment more independently.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Continuum of Auditory Skills Development
- Tips for Effective Auditory Training
Click the Resources button for a Transcript (txt), Audio (mp3) and Handout (pdf).
An interview with Bernadette Van Den Tillaart and Gunnar Vege, who both work with children with congenital deafblindness. Their experiences and research have led them to emphasis the need for educators to enter into the tactile world of the child with deafblindness, to mirror and affirm a child's experiences and emotions, from which a child becomes increasingly self-aware and better able to communicate and interact with the environment.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- Introduction
- From Meaningful to Significant
- Applying Meaningful Experiences
- To Be the Affirming Mirror
- The Co-Present Partner
- Becoming a Tactile Mind
- Tactile Mirror
- Tension & Emotion in Interaction
- Bodily Emotional Traces
Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) or audio recording (mp3).
A documented hearing loss creates specific differences in assessing and interpreting data for learning media assessments for students with deafblindness. This webinar will discuss a collaboration process between the TVI and the TDHH to determine general and literacy media that includes a review of audiometric data and the functional impact of the hearing loss in instructional settings. This webinar expands on topics and information presented in the Hearing Issues Series from the previous year. Participants will need to have viewed the “Introduction to Hearing Loss” and “Audiological Testing” webinars prior to viewing this session. Facilitated by Adam Graves, Deafblind Specialist with TSBVI Outreach Programs.
Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments:
- What Do I Need for an LMA?
- Determining Sensory Channels
- TVI & TDHH Collaboration
- Assessment Tools
Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Rachel Allen yearned for friendship and found it in her high school drill team. Rachel and her mother, Catherine, share a glimpse of their fantastic, frustrating, high-energy, and sometimes heartbreaking journey. Recorded at the 2015 Deafblind Symposium in Austin, TX.
Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
Dinitra Rideaux describes how her son, Trey, is becoming more involved in his small country town, through his own recycling business, exercise routine, and other activities. Recorded at the 2015 Deafblind Symposium in Austin, TX.
Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).