39 items found in 5 pages
Who Are Proficient Communicators and How Can We Support Them?
Open captioned. In recent years there has been a shift in the population of students on the Texas Deafblind Child Count indicating an increasing number of congenital deafblind students who are taking standardized state testing with or without accommodations. These children may be in general education classes performing at near, on, or above grade level, and typically have strong communication skills using speech, sign language, braille, and/or print. In this Coffee Hour presentation, we will look at 12 important considerations to be mindful of as we provide support to these students.
Get to the Point! - Succinct Communication with Educational Teams at the Beginning of the School Year
Effective communication with school staff at the beginning of the school year is always a challenge for itinerant TSVIs and COMS. Here are tips and strategies for quickly and effectively sharing information about your student with their educational team. Open captioned.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Tactile Language Development in Students who are Congenitally Deafblind - 8/29/22
Open captioned. This session will begin to discuss the information shared in the Nordic Welfare Centre's book "If you can see it, you can support it: A book on tactile language".
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Cortical Visual Impairment: Considerations for Augmentative & Alternative Communication Development
Students with cortical visual impairment and complex communication needs including those who have additional/multiple disabilities often require the development of individualized, multimodal communication programs to support their expressive communication and access to information and interactions throughout the day. Professionals working with these students require a holistic understanding of communication development and assessment, and knowledge of unique techniques and approaches that apply to this diverse group of students. A new resource for supporting teams in developing appropriate communication systems for students with CVI will be shared with participants, The AAC/CVI Matrix (Russell & Willis, 2020). Close captioned.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat: Scott and Yareshi
A young girl indicates her desire to continue an activity through movement.
Rip and Sticky
A young girl is motivated to say "rip" when playing with ripping a sticky piece of paper with an adult.
Vocal Play: Brian and Balin
A young boy vocalizes and engages in vocal play with a man.
A Lesson in Time Management with a Boy Who Is Deafblind: Anfernee and Lajoy
This 7-minute video presents a lesson on time management with a boy who is deafblind.
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