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22 items found in 3 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Using the Orion TI-84+ Talking Graphing Calculator
Learn about the Orion TI-84 Plus talking graphing calculator and its benefits for students with visual impairments. Explore features, including interactions using audio, speech, and haptic feedback. Invite your student's math teacher to this session. Discover the Orbit Research website and how to order new calculators, submit old ones for repair, replace lost accessories, and benefit from support and resources. Bring your questions, and we will do our best to answer them.
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Exponents & Pi
Introductory classroom lesson for Exponents and Pi functions on the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, introduces students to the Exponents and Pi functions on the keyboard. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Orion Unit - Preferences
Introductory classroom lesson on the Preferences functions for the Orion speech unit on the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, introduces students to the keyboard and Preferences functions on the Orion speech unit. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Orion Unit
Introductory classroom lesson on the keyboard for the Orion speech unit on the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, introduces students to the keyboard and functions on the Orion speech unit. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Seconds Function - Practice
Practice lesson on the keyboard layout for the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, leads students through practice lessons on the seconds function. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Seconds Function
Introductory classroom lesson on the keyboard and seconds function for the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, introduces students to the seconds function on the keyboard. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Keyboard Basics - Practice
Practice lesson on the keyboard layout for the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, leads students through practice lessons on calculator keyboard. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
APH Orion TI-84 plus: Keyboard Basics
Introductory classroom lesson on the keyboard layout for the APH Orion TI-84 talking graphing calculator. Margaret Edwards, TVI at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, introduces students to the calculator keyboard layout. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).
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