5 items found in 1 pages
Using a Buncher to Hold a Toothbrush
Video demonstration of using a buncher with a toothbrush
Using a Buncher in the Bathtub
In this video clip, a boy uses a buncher to hold onto the water fixture in the bathtub.
Using a Hair Tie as a Buncher
Children who are unable to maintain a grasp of an object (such as a spoon, toothbrush, or toy) may benefit from a buncher, which allows them to keep an object in their hand. This video shows how to make a buncher out of a hair tie or scrunchy.
Jack Eating with a Buncher
Here’s is a video of Jack using a buncher at meal times. Notice that he has a loose grasp on the spoon, but because of the buncher, he’s able to keep it in his hand and practice bringing that spoon up to his mouth.
Early Learning Step by Step - Chapter 3 - Movements: A Prerequisite for Learning
10/07/2014 TSBVI Outreach staff members Kate Hurst, Statewide Staff Development Coordinator and Matt Schultz, Deafblind Education Consultant discuss Chapter 3, Movements: A Pre-requisite for learning in the book Early Learning Step-by-Step by Dr. Lilli Nielsen, creator of Active Learning. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Foundation for Learning - Child Development without Disabilities - Video Sample - Child Development with Disabilities - Video Sample - Discussion Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).