52 items found in 7 pages
Braille is Literacy
Open captioned. This round-table discussion features panelists with professional expertise and lived experiences in literacy in braille. The goal of this presentation is to ensure that every student receives the instruction and tools necessary for optimal literacy development. Topics covered in this discussion include: Why Braille is a game changer The specific benefits of literacy in braille Getting students and families excited about braille Literacy-rich environments Bridging the gap between research and practice.
Braille Institute: Access Technology Program for the Blind
Open captioned. The Braille Institute offers remote one-on-ones, weekly classes and workshops about a variety of access technology topics for blind and low vision clients, along with in person services at our 7 southern California centers. Our workshops, which are one-time sessions about a specific topic, are also open to anyone including families of blind clients and those working with the blind. Topics we cover include smart phone and computer low vision settings and screen readers, smart speakers, braille devices, audio books, and AI aps.
Braille Access, Coordination, and Logistics
Open captioned. Join us for a collaborative coffee hour focused on streamlining Braille access for students. Learn tips and tricks for planning, managing materials, and more. Discover strategies for accessing digital platforms, adapting assignments, and leveraging tools for timely accommodations. Explore creative solutions and effective collaboration with teachers and administrators. Gain actionable insights to establish timelines, maintain organized resources, and enhance student access to high-quality Braille materials.
Tech Tea Time: The Equalize Editor - Online Accessible Braille Math
Open captioned. The Equalize Editor allows braille users to create documents using UEB contracted text and Nemeth braille math. It supports file I/O, Google Drive integration, clipboard cut/paste, and document export to HTML, PDF, and BRF formats. Its accessible user interface gives sighted and braille users equal access to online math content. The Equalize Editor enables braille math students to interact with sighted math teachers who do not understand braille, nor the specialized braille codes used by the visually impaired. The Equalize Editor combines a visual math editor with support for braille codes for literary text (UEB Literary) and math formulas (Nemeth). It allows both sighted and braille users to create text with embedded math, either using visual keyboard commands and math symbol buttons, or using braille equivalents of these commands and math operations taken from the relevant braille standards.
Tech Tea Time: Rolling out Tech in the Classroom
Guest presenter Sam Dooley shows how the Lake Pines Braille math products can help your students.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Book Access for Students with Visual Impairment - 11/28/22
Open captioned. Come learn about the vast array of reading options now available for large print, audio, and braille. Organizations such as Bookshare, Texas Talking Book Program, BARD, and Learning Ally will be covered.
Tech Tea Time: Braille Displays
Tech teachers discuss the differences between several Braille displays