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TSBVI Coffee Hour: Roles of the TVI, TDB, and COMS
Open captioned. Although the educational world is always changing, expectations and job duties may have shifted more than usual due to the pandemic. It’s a good time to review the basics: What is my role? What are the responsibilities of my professional position? We think the most important question is, what can we all do to make sure that we are providing our students and their families what they need?
The Intervener Series
Samantha Clark and Kaycee Bennett, both, Teacher of Deafblindness (TDB), talk about their experience with selecting, training and working with an Intervener in the classroom. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Coursework in Deafblindness - TDB vs TDH or TVI? - Interveners in Our District - TDB/Intervener model for Other Students - Intervener Model for Our Student - Documenting Student Outcomes - Building an Intervener Model - TDB Approach to Assessments - TDB Approach to FVE/LMA - Relationship Between Intervener & Other Professionals - Pros & Cons of the Intervener Model - What a TDB adds to the Team - Advice to Interveners - Importance of Formal TDB Training - Initial AI or VI Training on Deafblindness - Sustaining the TDB Model - Growing the TDB Field - Parent Role in TDB Field - What Parents Should Know about Deafblind Label