3 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Resources for VI Professionals: TVIs, COMS, & Paraeducators
Open captioned. Learn about up-to-date resources to support your continuous learning and instruction of students with visual impairments. Invite your team, including braillists and paraeducators, to attend this presentation.
8 of 9, Employment Challenges and Legal Options- TETN 20439
Employment Challenges and Legal Options. TETN 20439: 8 of 9, Q & A, part 2. Erin Lawler, Public Policy Specialist of the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities and formerly with the Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities, presents information highly relevant to TVIs and COMS helping prepare high school students to enter the workforce. Lawler covers rules regarding disclosure of a disability in the employment process, what employers can and cannot ask during an interview, what reasonable accommodations are and how to request them, as well as legal issues related to assistive technology.

Original contributor Erin Lawler, Kate Hurst

19 of 19, Comparison of EXIT and Post Secondary Program - TETN 13913
EXIT and Post Secondary Program, 19 of 19: TETN 13913. Resources and closing comments. A panel discussion with Kate Hurst, Tad Doezema, Carrie Clark, Laura Lindsey, Paula Willson, and Debra Sewell illustrating the differences between EXIT and the Post Secondary Program through TSBVI and Criss Cole. Four students' programs are examined.

Original contributor Debra Sewell, Kate Hurst
