26 items found in 4 pages
Jack Using a Little Room
01/31/2017 Demonstration of the "perceptualizing aids," Little Room and Resonance Board. Click the Resources button to download a transcript, audio file, and/or handout
Five Phases of Educational Treatment
12/01/2016 The Five Phases of Educational Treatment developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Overview - Phase I - Offering - Phase II - Imitation - Phase III - Interaction - Phase IV - Sharing the Work - Phase V - Consequence Click the Resources button for a Transcript (txt) and Audio (mp3).
Active Learning Study Group - January 2017
1/26/2017 Penrickton Center for the Blind, Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired host this series of webinars on Active Learning, an instructional approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen. In this series of webinars we will share ideas for moving from assessment to IEP development to delivering instruction. Attention will be given to organizing the student’s day and delivering both general curriculum and expanded core curriculum content using an Active Learning approach.
Functional Scheme
The Functional Scheme: Assessing the Developmental Level of special needs students
Active Learning Study Group - November 2016
11/10/2016 Penrickton Center for the Blind, Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired host this series of webinars on Active Learning, an instructional approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen.  In this series of webinars we will share ideas for moving from assessment to IEP development to delivering instruction.  Attention will be given to organizing the student's day and delivering both general curriculum and expanded core curriculum content using an Active Learning approach.  Dates for the orignial broadcasts in this series includes: 9/22/16, 11/10/16, 1/16/17, 3/30/17 and 5/25/17. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Housekeeping - Sample Question & Response - From Assessment to IEP Development - Sample Goals Click the Resources button for a Transcript (txt), Audio (mp3) and Handout (pdf).
Patty Obrzut Introduction
Introduction to Active Learning techniques, by Patty Obrzut, Assistant Director of Penrickton Center for Blind Children.
Instructional Strategies for VI Students Under the Developmental Age of 3 - TETN 20440
01/30/2014 Kate Hurst discusses strategies for instruction when a child or student with visual impairment or deafblindness is under the developmental age of 3 years; i.e. in the sensory-motor stage. 11 specific strategies are discussed, with reference to research by Dr. van Dijk, Lilli Nielsen, and Barbara Miles. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - Parents are Experts - Assessment - Minimize Stress - Emotional Development - Child's Interests - Self-directed Learning - Appropriate Interactions - Tactile Sense - Pacing is Everything - Predictable Schedules - Expressive Communication - Discussion - Summary & Resources Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt), handout (pdf) and/or audio recording (mp3).
19 of 19, Instructional Strategies for VI Students Under the Developmental Age of 3 - TETN 20440
TETN 20440 - 19 of 19. Summary of the 11 Instructional Strategies for children under the developmental age of 3. Additional resources shared. In this training Kate Hurst focuses on strategies for learning and instruction when the child or student with visual impairment or deafblindness is under the developmental age of 3 years. Assessment and programming that is effective for students who are primarily in the sensory-motor stage of development may seem hard to come by, but there are many tried and true approaches to use for individuals at this stage, no matter their chronological age. A discussion of specific strategies suggested by Dr. van Dijk, Lilli Nielsen, and Barbara Miles, as well as resources are shared.

Original contributor Kate Hurst

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