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Mexico X
2 items found in 1 pages
2021 DB Symposium - Development of Educational Projects in Latin America
Maria Antonia Vazquez. Perkins International has been working systematically in Latin America to strengthen access and quality of education for people with deafblindness and visual/multiple disabilities for more than 25 years. Its focus is on strengthening the capacity of public school systems to address the needs of children with multiple disabilities and deafblindness and on documenting and disseminating evidence of successful practices that impact on children’s learning outcomes based on the training received by Perkins International Academy. The research is participatory as it supports joint reflection and proposes more inclusive ways of generating knowledge. The stories and experiences in each country where the monitoring is done, reveal individualities that show the particularity of change in real contexts.
2021 DB Symposium - Project Pixan. A 10 Year Strategy
Gloria Rodriguez-Gil, Director for Latin American and the Caribbean for Perkins International. Over the next 10 years, Perkins, in partnership with state Secretaries of Education, educators, and parents will increase access to quality education for children with multiple disabilities in Mexico. We expect to reach even more, because, as education quality improves and children thrive, enrollment and retention increase- so that children who today are out of school, by 2030 will be learning. Our strategy to achieve this transformation has four parts: 1. Build adult capacity to support children’s learning. 2. Establish a state-of-the-art adaptive design center in Yucatán State to serve children with low-cost, custom-designed learning equipment. 3. Partner nationally to reach more children locally. 4. Fill the data gap on effective education for children with disabilities.