15 items found in 2 pages
3 of 3, Use Interaction to Teach - building associations
In this video, the teacher is working on building associations between three dimensional objects and two dimensional representations for the student. He begins with one of the student's favored objects, imitates the student's actions upon the object, and then draws the object with the student. He then acts the same way upon the drawing of the object as the real object, and the student imitates him.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

2 of 3, Use Interaction to Teach - auditory discrimination
In this video, the skill being targeted is auditory discrimination. The teacher pairs specific actions with specific sounds. The pom-pom is an object that this student has shown that he enjoys.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

1 of 3, Use Interaction to Teach - handling objects and performing actions
In this video, the skills being targeted include handing an object to a communication partner and performing an action to make a request. The routine starts out with the student checking her anticipation calendar, then they travel to to the activity area. The teacher connects with the student by imitating her actions and sounds. She also responds to the student's specific requests. At one point, she increases the distance between the two of them, creating a slightly larger challenge in making the request. They finish the activity at the student's calendar area.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

2 of 2, Be a Good Playmate - box conversation
In this video, the teacher imitates the student's actions about a large, plastic box, taking turns with him and labeling actions, objects, and emotions.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

4 of 4, Turn-taking Play Strategies - Hand GamesShare Activities
In this video, the teacher brushes her teeth while the student watches with his hands. She then brushes his teeth with the Nuk brush.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

3 of 4, Turn-taking Play Strategies - Auditory Games
In this video, the teacher re-engages the student in the hygiene routine by imitating her vocalizations.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

2 of 4, Turn-taking Play Strategies - Object Games
In this video, the student signals the teacher to take her turn by slightly moving the whistle at the beginning of the interaction, then signals her by putting her hand on the whistle. The teacher remains in contact with the student so that she is there to take her turn.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

1 of 4, Turn-taking Play Strategies - Hand Games
In this video, the teacher and the student both make minute movements with their hands. The movements that they make are different.

Original contributor Sara Kitchen

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