6 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Importance of Early Numeracy
Early numeracy is not just about numbers! Early numeracy and early literacy are tied together. Both numeracy and literacy skills draw on concept, spatial and language development to support each other and are vital tools for children to be successful readers and writers. Join us for a coffee chat on the importance of early numeracy for all children, especially for those with visual impairments.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Texas 2 Steps
Texas 2 STEPS is an early intervention orientation and mobility evaluation tool and a curriculum of supporting activities and routines. It is specifically designed to determine and address the orientation and mobility needs for students with visual impairments from birth through 5 years of age. Both the evaluation and curriculum are also appropriate for students who have additional disabilities and can be implemented in all settings including home, daycare, school and community. Texas 2 STEPS is divided into two domains: mobility skills (including 16 skill areas) and orientation skills (including 9 skill areas).
TSBVI Coffee Hour: ECI Nuts and Bolts
This presentation will provide a general review of Texas Early Intervention Services from referral to transition. We will highlight the DHH/VI/ECI partnership and discuss best practice for collaboration to support little ones in need of services. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Using an Active Learning Approach with Infants and Toddlers (WREIC Session)
3/18/2021 This presentation will focus on the principles of Dr. Lilli Nielsen’s Active Learning approach, with special emphasis on its use in early intervention. We will begin by exploring Active Learning Principles, and then look at specific materials and activities that can be done in the home environment. We will also look at the Active Learning Space website https://activelearningspace.org/ and discuss how it can be used to support families and practitioners. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Expanded Core on the Digital Platform
11/9/2020 Expanded Core on the Digital Platform: Ideas for using mainstream education technology for Expanded Core Lessons & Activities with Robbin Keating-Clark Education technology (aka Ed-Tech) has a lot of power for hosting effective Expanded Core lessons & activities. Check out how you can use popular ed tech for Expanded Core instruction. I'll give you a list of different platforms, apps and ideas for instruction. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: Distance Considerations for Birth to Three
10/5/2020 This presentation will cover survival knowledge of Part C regulations for providers new to Part C with new referrals. It will also give immediately useable strategies for operating in the Early Intervention world virtually, including building a rapport, assessing and designing instructional plans, and conducting virtual home visits. Click the Attachment button to download a transcript and/or handout.