44 items found in 6 pages
ECC Personal Hygiene: Bathroom Skills and Complex Learners
A session on personal hygiene skills, specifically (continence training or toilet training). Ideas will be presented to consider when planning for adulthood and the importance of independence during (private/sensitive/personal) situations. Strategies primarily targeting learners with complex needs will be discussed.
Boosting Transition with ECC
Open captioned and ASL. Join us for an informative session on how the ECC is the critical element on the path to a successful transition for your students. We will explore resources, strategies and examples of how the ECC supports transition.
O&M and Aligning the ECC with Developmental Milestones
Open captioned. This session will provide an overview utilizing orientation and mobility support to address age-appropriate development for infants and toddlers with a visual impairment—exploring developmental milestones and the Expanded Core Curriculum.
Deafblind Expanded Core Curriculum Considerations
As part of the new publication, "Essential Tools of the Trade for Teachers of Students who are Deafblind: A How-To Guide for Completing Evaluation", seven considerations for additional expanded core curriculum areas were developed and proposed. This session will review the seven areas, the considerations connected to them, and will provide the opportunity for discussion around each of the proposed areas. Open captioned.
Explore the Expanded Core Collapsed Framework - A 21st Century Approach to the Expanded Core Curriculum with Robbin Clark
Participants will explore the collapsed framework and learn tools for designing Expanded Core instruction. Open captioned.
Insightful Transition - Recognizing What's Important to and for the Student
This session includes examples and resources for giving your student a voice in transition, helping them plan a life that is meaningful, purposeful and enjoyable. Open captioned and ASL.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: ECC In the Home and Community through Teaming - 8/15/22
We do not grow in isolation and neither do our student's skills. Nor do any of us have the time to individually meet all of our students' needs. Together we can do better! By teaming together: TVI's, O&M's, Parents, Classroom Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and other team members, we can provide the student with more learning opportunities to acquire and generalize skills they will need for adult life. This session will explore ways of teaming in the school, home, and community to help learning flourish. Open captioned.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: ECC 101 8-30-21
Open captioned and ASL. An overview of the expanded core curriculum including defining the 9 areas and providing examples and resources for each area. Presented by Robbin Clark.
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