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Dr Judy Cameron X
2 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Impact of Stress on Brain Development and Brain Resiliency - Part 1 - 9-30-21
Open captioned and ASL. In this session Dr. Cameron will explain how experiences shape brain development, and how increased anxiety and stress influence a number of processes in the developing brain. She will focus on how experiences can also help children build resilience to the impact of stress and anxiety, and on how parents and communities can enhance their use of social supports to optimize children’s brain development.
TSBVI Coffee Hour: The Impact of Stress on Brain Development and Brain Resiliency - Part 2 - 9-30-21
Open Captioned and ASL. A Year in Review: Lessons from the Pandemic An hour-long panel discussion Led by Tanni Anthony on the impacts of COVID-19 and lessons learned on early intervention and family support services.