5 items found in 1 pages
TSBVI - Bastrop Intervener
A student who is deafblind is served in a mainstream classroom with the support of an intervener and interpreter. Interviews with all including parent.
Reflecting on the Past and Honoring Our Leaders in Deafblind Education
Reflecting on the past and honoring our leaders, a brief history of deafblind education following the Rubella epidemic of the 1960s.
Dia 8 – Cumprimentos - Qual é o Buchicho?
Descubra o que todos estão comentando no Simpósio 2021 do Texas sobre Educação para pessoas com Surdocegueira e compartilhe suas ideias e opiniões via Twitter e Facebook.
2016 Deafblind Eligibility with Brent Pitt, formerly of TEA
Interview from 2016 on Child Count of Student in Texas who are Deafblind with Brent Pitt, formerly of TEA, and Sue Enoch, former TSBVI APH/VI Registration/DB Child Count Coordinator. Both staff members have since retired. As of Spring 2021 current contacts are: Nicholas Trotter, Visual Impairment Program Administrator and Deafblind Grant Director at Texas Education Agency email: nicholas.trotter@tea.texas.gov phone: 512-463-9414 and Brian Sobeck, TSBVI Systems Support Specialist email: sobeckb@tsbvi.edu phone: (512) 206-9225
Jarvis Goes to the Drum Store (FULL VERSION)
In this full version of the video, a teenage boy who is deafblind looks at his tactile calendar, then goes to the drum store with his teacher Matt. After exploring the drum store they get back and the van and return to school, where he shares the experience with another teacher.