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Bernadette van den Tillaart X
6 items found in 1 pages
Johanna and the Candle
Excerpt from "Please, See Me as the Person I Am"
Ingrid and Crab Afterwards
Excerpt from "Please, See Me as the Person I Am"
Ingrid and Crab (Initially)
Excerpt from "Please, See Me as the Person I Am"
2019 Texas Symposium on DeafBlindness: Resonance
A slide show from the 2019 Texas Symposium on DeafBlindness titled, Resonance.
Tactile Reciprocal Interactions & BETs
02/21/2015 An interview with Bernadette Van Den Tillaart and Gunnar Vege, who both work with children with congenital deafblindness. Their experiences and research have led them to emphasis the need for educators to enter into the tactile world of the child with deafblindness, to mirror and affirm a child's experiences and emotions, from which a child becomes increasingly self-aware and better able to communicate and interact with the environment. Click the Chapters button above to view individual segments: - Introduction - From Meaningful to Significant - Applying Meaningful Experiences - To Be the Affirming Mirror - The Co-Present Partner - Becoming a Tactile Mind - Tactile Mirror - Tension & Emotion in Interaction - Bodily Emotional Traces Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) or audio recording (mp3).
Please, See Me as the Person I Am.
Keynote by Bernadette van den Tillaart (Netherlands) & Gunnar Vege (Norway) at the 2015 Deafblind Symposium in Austin, TX. Gunnar and Bernadette introduce the concepts of "co-presence" and Bodily Emotional Traces (BETs). Through role play and videos, they demonstrate how an active communication partner (parent, educator, caregiver, etc) can enter the tactual communication of a person with deafblindness and equally share in his/her experience of the world. When the communication partner comments on these shared experiences, using signs from the language of the culture, it both, affirms the person with deafblindness, and opens a cognitive door to language development. Click the Resources button for a transcript (txt) and/or audio recording (mp3).